Glory and Grace – a blessed duo

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: The LORD will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11, KJV)

Our daily devotionals are called “Glory & Grace Daily.” Let me take a moment to share with you the biblical foundation  this title. There is a blessed and wonderful relationship between grace and glory of God. The Lord promised in Ps. 84:11 as He spoke prophetically through the Psalmist that He will give grace and glory. 

The highpoint of our inheritance in Christ is the glory of God. The glory, in summary, is the experience and expression of God Himself. God has brought us into Himself, to both experience Him as our life and then express Him just as a lamp shines forth light. This inheritance is not only beyond human comprehension but is surprisingly, though pleasantly, shocking that God would do this to sinful humanity. He has given the best to the worst. This glory could only have come to us through grace—undeserved favor.

Grace came to bring us into the glory of God. In fact, the glory is the fullness of grace. When the message of grace is fully received, the glory is the expected result! If grace is a  lamp, the glory of God is the light. The destination of grace is not to produce a group of believers who are saved from sin and able to live a righteous life. It is to bring us into the very glory of God, where we become visible manifestations of the invisible God!

The Lord promised to give us grace and glory. He has fulfilled His promise in Christ!


What does the Psalmist refer to as “good thing” in the verse above?


You can see that God’s intention is the glory, and that glory is grace perfected. When Jesus says you are the light of the world, that is what He is talking about ! You are the revelation of God to the world, a visible expression of His character, power, wisdom, joy, etc. You are just too favored to feel down another day. Arise, shine for your light is come!


Thank the Lord for the blessing of the gift of grace and glory. 

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