Feast upon the words of Christ

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom (Col. 3:16 KJV).

feast upon the words of christ

The Lord has commanded us to feast upon the words of Christ. In fact, whenever you take Holy Communion, the bread and the wine are symbols of His Word that you have received and believed! Feasting is not just eating. It is eating and drinking sumptuously, in large quantities, often in an atmosphere of joy, delight, and celebration! In summary, feasting is just having a blast at God’s table!

But why should we feast on the Word of God? We should devour God’s Word because it is spiritual food. The scripture above tells us to let the Word of Christ dwell richly in us. We should receive the Word in abundance in our hearts, as this is what it means to eat a spiritual meal.

When you eat natural food, it supplies nutrients necessary to maintain the structure and function of your body. These natural nutrients include carbohydrates and fats for energy, and proteins to build muscles and help your body function. The Word of God also furnishes the nutrients you need in life. Some of these spiritual nutrients are joy, peace, love, freedom, power, and healing. When you feed on God’s Word, it supplies nutrients to your spirit to keep you going, so you can function at the level God has commanded. You should not only eat the Word, but feast upon it.


How do we “let the Word of Christ” dwell in us richly? Mutter these words under your breath: “I am feasting on the Word of Christ, and His Word is dwelling richly in my heart”.


Are you at God’s table daily? If not, you are missing out! The feast has started without you! Let His Word dwell in your heart richly in all wisdom.


Thank the Lord for inviting you to His party!

Recommended Read: Meditating on the Word of God

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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