Establishing God’s kingdom in your world

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven  (Matthew 6:10, KJV)

Jesus prayed and said  that God’s kingdom should come on the earth and His will be done here as it is in heaven. He gives us at least three key facts about the kingdom of God. The first is that God’s kingdom of not of this world. It came from outside of it. The second is the kingdom of God is the realm where God’s will as the king is what is done. This is key. In every kingdom, the will or what the king wants is supreme over all. A kingdom is not a democracy. It is centered on the king. The third is that God wants His kingdom to be established on the earth. He wants His will to be done on the earth. 

Jesus teaches us that heaven and earth are currently functioning differently. God’s will is perfectly done in heaven, but not on earth. If you look at heaven, you will perfectly see what God wants. If you look at  the earth, you do not see what God really wants.  However, before the fall, you could look at the world and see God’s perfect will, that is, what He really wants. But at this instant, in many aspects, if you look at the  world, you will see things God does not want. The world looks more like Satan than God. Many of you will be surprised that many of the things happening in your life are not really what God wants. They are not His will. Jesus came to the world so that through faith in heaven, we can again enforce God’s will in our lives. When God’s will is perfectly done in your life, then His kingdom is operational in  you.

Does God want everything happening in your life? Does He want that coworker of yours to be depressed and thinking of committing suicide? Does he want to see cancer ravage the bodies of men and women and helplessly drive them to the grave? Does He want people to continue in sin and end up in hell? Absolutely not!  There are many things happening both in your life and in the world that God does not want. He is looking up to you to bring your life and the world around you to comply with His desires and plans. God wants you to establish His kingdom in your world!


Is God’s kingdom at work in your heart and in your life? Before that kingdom starts controlling things around you, it must first have control over you. Do you do God’s will?


Living in the kingdom begins with a kingdom mindset, which is, to do the will of the Father, who is the King. As you submit to the Word, then life around and within you will submit to His power. Remember, the world is not what God wants it to be. You have be given a divine mandate to make your life and the world around you to be what God wants it to be. You have been given the power to do so. It is your season to reign!


Thank the Father for the blessing of living in the kingdom of God!

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