Do You Love Your Neighbor?
And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. (Rev. 20:15 NKJ)
Hell is a place of torment reserved for sinners who reject the salvation that Jesus brings. But do you know that hell is not the end of it?
The scripture says, “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” (Rev. 20:14 KJV) Those who are in hell will ultimately be transferred to something even worse called the “lake of fire.”
Whenever you meet someone in your family or neighborhood who is not saved, they are heading to hell and ultimately the lake of fire. If you truly love them, you should be disturbed at their destiny. They may seem to be happy. They may even mock and curse.
This is because their minds are blinded to where they are heading. They do not know that man is a spirit and once his body dies, his spirit lives on, and in that world there is no religious tolerance, no world view, no personal preference, no opinion, etc.
Do you love your family members? Do you truly love your unsaved neighbors? Then be concerned about their eternal destinty. You are saved and going to heaven. That is wonderful. Yet God wants you to rescue as many as possible, and in fact take all whom you can with you.
The sad truth is that some people will reject the Gospel, and God cannot force it on them. This is where our prayers come in for the Spirit to open the eyes of these people. Pray, pray, and pray for sinners to be saved, starting with those in your world. Share the gospel. Give to support evangelism. Save souls from hell and the lake of fire.
If hell is horrible, what do you think of the lake of fire?
Are you doing anything whatsoever for the sake of lost souls to be saved? If not, start today!
Ask the Spirit to put the burden of lost souls into your heart today.
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