Do not invite demons unknowingly
Neither give place to the devil. (Eph. 4:27 KJV)
Satan is the origin of the oppression going on in the world. He is often working under the cover of nature. Many will be surprised to figure out that what is going on in their health, emotions, finances, relations etc, is not natural but demonic.
If you find Satan in your house as a believer, look around to find out which door is opened for him to gain access to you. We can make room for demons to oppress us, so the Bible cautions us not to ” give place to the devil”. We should close every door that demonic activity can pass through into our lives.
I will mention two common, but easily missed doors which Satan uses to gain access to oppress us.These are bitterness and fear. Demons feast on a heart that harbors unforgiveness and bitterness. It doesn’t matter who hurt you or why you were hurt, just keeping bitterness inside is an open invitation to demonic activity. And when they get to work, you will wonder what is happening to your health, relationships or even finances. I have seen what bitterness does to the health of people in the hospital. Didn’t you realize bitter people seem to carry a bitter atmosphere around them? Make no room for Satan and his demons. The same is true of fear. As faith activates God’s power, so fear will activate the power of darkness in your life. Job said, “the things I feared have come into me”. Those things were not by chance. He unknowingly gave Satan a knife to hurt him. And the same trend is repeating itself many times with us today. Stay in God’s Word. It will shield and protect you. Do what God says and live by His Word on every area of your life and never think you know better or justify yourself acting contrary to what the Bible says. You will be on your way to perpetual victory in life.
The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)
Ponder deeply on the command above. God says you should not give place to the devil. Could you be having an open door in your life?
Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)
Ask the Lord to show you any areas in your life which are your open doors given to demons to breed in your life.
Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)
Take concrete steps to close any open doors. If you are keeping unforgiveness and bitterness over a past hurt, please do not let another day pass you by in that condition. Do something and free yourself by forgiving. If you need to call someone, do so today-call or text them!
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Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing