Complaining ruins you so keep it out!

And do not complain, as some of them did, and were killed by the destroying angel. (1 Cor. 10:10 NET)

A complaining and murmuring spirit will ruin our spiritual lives. Many believers still do not really get this. Man is a spirit being, and even more importantly, the new man in you that  “is more than a conqueror” is the spirit man. The victory of that spirit man will only be realized when you operate in accordance with spiritual principles.

Complaining in circumstances is one sure way of sinking your spirit man. It does not matter what the situation is, or who did what. What matters is what you do in response to that situation. This is so vital in your walk of faith. What CHANGES the situation is your RESPONSE. Israel complained about the men of God that were set over them and were destroyed by a horrible plague as recorded in Numbers 16:41-50. Today, God does not respond to our complaining like He did to Israel under the law. Thank God He does not because we will all be gone! However, complaining still inactivates His power and makes us sink deeper into the situation.

It is a great step of maturity in faith not to complain or be bitter in adverse situations, especially when you THINK you are right. TRUST God. Complaining is poison to your spirit and will ruin your breakthrough. Rather than complaining, rejoice, give thanks and praise Him and see what God does what you act on His Word.


Ponder deeply on the scripture above. How does that Word apply to you today?


We sometimes fill our prayers with complaining without realizing it. Pray that God will restructure your mindset, from “complainer” to “changer”. Complainers remain in the circumstance while “changers” respond differently and change the situation by the power of God.


It is not in vain that God says  “in everything give thanks”. He is wanting to position you for victory because your attitude in situations is critical. It does not matter what the situation is, He wants you to give thanks, rejoice and praise Him, not “for everything” because not everything that comes your way is from God but “in everything”. Face today with a determination not to complain about your situation, country, president, children, pastor, friends, job, family, etc. Remember it is about your attitude and not the situation.

Recommended Read: Trials and Temptations

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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