Coming into God’s Presence

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:16 KJV).

Coming into God's presence image showing a staircase into heaven

The scripture above exhorts us to come into God’s throne room. The throne of grace symbolizes God’s kingly presence. We come to the throne by approaching or coming into His Presence.

Interestingly, this exhortation to “come” was not given to unbelievers but to believers who have already “come” to God. This teaches us that we come to God in two very distinct spheres:

The first is when a sinner, like the prodigal son, comes to the Father to receive salvation and be restored into God’s presence.

The second usage of the word “come” applies to believers who are already in God’s Presence and are still living on the earth right now. When we come in this manner, it is to obtain help in time of need. We come in faith, and in prayer, approaching God with our needs and knowing we have been granted an audience with Him. In this sense, we come to God again and again as many times as is necessary.

The same is true with practically fellowshipping with God. Though we are in God’s presence, we are not always practically in fellowship. We are still living in this earthen body and have to tune our focus and attention back to Him again and again to maintain practical fellowship.

You are already in God’s presence. You can therefore come as often as needed in faith and prayer to get access to wisdom, power, and provisions for your life at any time.


How many times did you have to come into God’s presence at salvation? How many times can you continue to come to obtain the help you need?


Have you gone to God yet with the need you have? If not, take it right now to the throne of grace by faith and prayer.


Thank the Lord for access to His presence. PRAY right now for some of the needs you may be having right now.

Recommended Read:Invitation to  come into  God’s throne of grace

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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