Come to me all who are weary

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28, NIV)

Jesus extends a warm invitation to all those who are carrying heavy burdens in life to come to Him—with their burdens, and He will give them rest.  Think of someone carrying a heavy load on his head coming to Jesus. Imagine Jesus taking the weight off their head and giving them  a lighter load to carry. What are these burdens?

The context does not explicitly tell us what these burdens are. However, Matthew gives us a clue speaking of the religious leaders of the day: “For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers” (Matthew 23:4, KJV). The Pharisees and Scribes had unbearable legalistic demands for the people. The Law itself was a burden, but the leaders made it more difficult for the people. This is still possible today where a congregational system of “doing church” makes life plain hard and challenging for the believers with things which are merely human traditions.

However, these burdens can still be life’s burdens in general, whether of family, finances, health, stress, work, etc. Jesus extends an invitation to all those who are carrying loads in life that seem to be breaking their neck bones. If we come to Him, meaning put our trust and faith in Him by believing His Word, we will find rest for our souls.


What burden are you currently carrying right now? What is that one or two things that are heavy on your heart? Would you give them to Jesus and receive His rest?


We have to “come” to Jesus to find rest. This “come”  is believing and trusting in Him. It continues even after we become saved. It is similar to the command to cast our cares upon Him, trusting that He cares for us. Come to Jesus with that load today and find rest.


Thank the Lord for the rest He has brought to us. 

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