Can I truly show brotherly love today?
..The love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Rom. 5:5 NAS)
Brotherly love is a hallmark of spiritual maturity and an indicator of our oneness with Christ. A long while ago, after ministering in a local church about brotherly love, an elder walked up to me after the service and said: “Doc, you know this unconditional love thing is really very difficult”. Unfortunately, this is the experience of many believers-they find themselves caught between “their reality” and what God has commanded.
The God-kind of love is not a product of human endeavor. It is not human, but divine. There are few things that will frustrate you and cause you to burn out like trying to do what God has commanded you by your own strength. There is a reason God did not give this commandment to unbelievers but to the born-again believer. God’s design is to first deposit His love inside of you so that you show that love to others without a struggle. The scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 4:9 “Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another (NAS). God “teaches us” to love. This is not a lecture on brotherly love, but an inscription of His love in our hearts by the Spirit like the Ten Commandments upon the stone tablets so that you walk in it spontaneously. Our main verse above says “the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. You first receive, so that you can give.
When you know and believe the love of God for you, that love overflows to those around you effortlessly. This is God’s plan for you today.
MEDITATE- brotherly love
Think carefully on the scripture above. Ponder upon it. Did you realize that God has first poured out His love into your heart? Have you known and believed in that love?
Ask the Father to show you how much the Lord loves you today. This is the foundation of showing brotherly love to others.
The greatest investment you can make to walk in brotherly love is to know and believe God’s love for you. His love in you will overflow to your spouse, your friends, your colleagues, neighbors, etc. Preaching to a bitter and wounded person to show unconditional love is like asking a dog to fly like a bird! Once it dawns on you how much God is having long-suffering for your weaknesses and errors and does not give you what you deserve, it becomes almost spontaneous for you to be patient and long-suffering with the weaknesses of others. The way you treat people is a reflection of your perception of how God treats you. Today is an opportunity for you to show the love of God to someone. Let it flow out of the abundance of your heart. It is the most Godly and God-like thing you can do today. Love is seen in how you talk and act towards other people.
Recommend Read: God’s Love Heals the Brokenness in our Hearts
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