An Unthinkable Unity is Coming!
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Eph. 4:13 KJV)
The Church as a whole is the Body of Christ— one Body, with one Lord and one Master. The Church is much more than a group of people who believe in Christ exercising God’s authority. It is the Body, the flesh and the bones of Christ Himself. That means the Church is essentially Christ still on earth, living and carrying out His work. He has become one with His people. The Church is one Man, Christ Jesus. The bond that unites Christians together far exceeds whatever obvious differences we might have.
A quick glance at Christianity today unveils so much of our differences than our unity. However, Jesus said He is building His Church. He will do the seemingly impossible in bringing His people to the point of complete unity. The Church will be brought together to the unity of the knowledge of the Son of God and faith as noted above. Let me ensure you do not miss the tremendous truth revealed in these words. Jesus is causing His Church to come to the same knowledge and believe the same thing about Him. This is not a suggestion from the scripture above. It is a prophetic word regarding the future of the Church in this present world.
We are one Body, and Christ by His Spirit is bringing us together against all the odds.
What is the fundamental reason why there are so many Christian factions and disagreements amongst us? How is this “unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God” going to correct that?
Be prepared for the future is here! We are one Body. See Christ in the other believer, not their denomination or beliefs. God is breaking down the doctrinal and denominational barriers that have divided His Body for so long. Start thinking “Body of Christ”, and not just your local Church or denomination. That is how God thinks!
Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will fulfill His Word in Ephesians 4:13 above.
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