A Sweet Savour of Christ Unto God

For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish (2 Cor. 2:15 KJV)

Sweet savour of Christ showing man holding a glass of fire

God has made us a sweet savour of Christ unto Himself. The figure here is that of a sweet fragrance that the LORD  inhales and is very pleased with. In Genesis 8:21, the LORD smelled the sweet fragrance of Noah’s sacrifice and was pleased. The saints of in the Old Testament knew that sacrifices evoke divine pleasure.

Please notice that the sacrifice mentioned in 2 Cor. 2:15 which  is a sweet savour of Christ to God is not something that we bring. It is not an animal sacrifice as was done in the Old Testament. It is not our material gifts today. In fact, it is not the spiritual sacrifices of our praise in this context. The sacrifice is us—ourselves. It is not something that we bring. This is not so important to understand. Christ’s work by default has made us pleasing to God as a sweet savour unto God. You do not need to make yourself pleasant to God. He has made you so by the work of His Son.

He now commands you to walk worthy of your calling and to please Him in everything in the way you live( Col. 1:10). Your walk is a manifestation of your being. This is where many believers struggle. It is your revelation and faith on what He has made you to be that provides the power to walk righteously before Him.Trying to walk the walk to please God without the power that comes from your revelation of what you have become in Christ will not only produce empty christian religion but will undoubtedly come with struggles, frustrations, and disappointments. You are a sweet aroma of Christ to God.


Did you understand the difference between you being the sacrifice and sacrifice that you bring?


Know and believe you are a sweet aroma of Christ to God. It is not your doing. You were made to be by the work of Christ. Walk then to please God in the way you live.


Bless the Lord right now for the price He paid for our salvation

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