A Heavenly Call to Prayer

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV)

The Spirit of the Lord is stirring up the Body of Christ to prayer all over the world. There is a lot we know today about prayer but still, more that we do not know. A perplexing question about prayer remains as to why we have to pray for God to do something. Multiple reasons have been put forth, but the most crucial point NOW is not to fully understand the reasons WHY but to just DOT IT as the Spirit of God leads. Honestly, there are some things we will only fully understand on the other side of eternity when we see Jesus face to face.

This is one solid truth we know from the Word and from our experience so far about prayer: it ushers in a move of God, a building up of power and a higher dimension of the experience of God’s presence whether corporately or individually. As noted above, the reasons why these things are so are undoubtedly important but they are not critical. There are dimensions of God you will never know if you are not prayerful.  Entire communities can be shaken if the people of God who are called by His Name humble themselves and pray. 

What will you do about this call? Take action!


Why do ministers pray before they go to minister? Should every believer develop this habit in life in general?


There are few things about our spiritual life that are under attack by the demands of life as our prayer lives. And the enemy has valid reasons to do so. The moment you want to pray, then the one-millionth thing on your already too crowded to-do list for the day will pop up in your mind. If you succumb to this pressure, a part of your spiritual life will die a slow death. Answer the call, against all the odds. Watch and pray!


Pray that the LORD will pour a fresh spirit of prayer upon you. 

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