You are a God who hides Himself
Truly, you are a God who hides himself, O God of Israel, the Savior (Isaiah 45:15, ESV)

The prophet Isaiah says the LORD is a God who hides Himself. He can only be seen if He reveals or manifest Himself. This implies that until God reveals Himself, it is impossible for a human being to see Him with the physical eyes or know Him with the mind. This is very important to understand! The scripture tells us that God is invisible and dwells in unapproachable light. However, it tells us plainly again that God has appeared multiple times to His people in many different ways over the years. For example, He came to Abraham in the form of a Man accompanied by two angels!
However, the LORD wants to be known. He has revealed Himself to us in different ways so we can see who He really is. The first is creation. Rom. 1:20 tells us that the things created tell us about God. You can look at the skies and see that God is powerful! This revelation is partial. The second form in which God has revealed Hisself to be known is the scriptures. This revelation is also partial, like looking through a glass.
The crowning revelation of God is in the Person of Jesus. This revelation is not partial. Jesus is everything about God revealed as a Man, in a way we can best understand! And this is where it gets more interesting. As a believer, Jesus lives in you by His Spirit and making you a human being a full revelation of God just as He was! This is your calling in Christ, to be a visible manifestation of the invisible God!
Why is it that the unsaved person cannot know God? ( 1 Cor. 2:14). It is because they are not smart enough?
There is nothing else about God we will know that is not revealed in Jesus! Crave to know Him! Furthermore, He wants you to grow and become more and more Christlike to reveal God in the way you talk and act fully!
Thank the Father for revealing Himself to us in the flesh!
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