Why the World cannot Fully Celebrate Christmas

“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive…” (John 14:17 KJV)

The world cannot celebrate christmas image showing a group of people celebrating

The term “world” has various meanings, but in John 14:17, we focus on one of its meanings: people not part of God’s family on earth (the World). So God sees humanity now in two groups—the world and the Church. 

One step separates the world from the Church: believing that Jesus is the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. As soon as anyone believes this truth, they cross lanes from the world into the Church; they become God’s children and are no longer of the world.

The world has a problem with the meaning of Christmas. This concern has little to do with the festivities, partying, gifts, commercial boosts, and family reunions. Beyond the celebrations, which everyone loves, the world is at odds with Christmas as a commemoration of the birth of the Son of God, the Savior of humanity. They do not accept this as true; otherwise, believing that truth implies they are no longer the world but the Church, God’s children! (John 1:12)

The full celebration of Christmas includes the joy of the birth of the Savior and the electrifying partying that accompanies it on earth! Only Christians can truly celebrate Christmas. The world has only one option: detach the festivities from the meaning. Therefore, they replace Christ with anything acceptable to them and elevate the celebration above the genuine meaning.

As believers, there is no greater gift to give to anyone in the world than the Gospel to snatch them from the world into God’s family. 


Why is it impossible for the world to accept that Jesus is the Son of God? (John 6:44)

Apply the Word

Do not be disturbed if the world does not celebrate Christmas with meaning as the Church does: the world is not the Church, and the Church is not the world. As you celebrate, depopulate the world and populate the Church so Christmas can be fully observed!


Ask God for the salvation of someone in the world that the Spirit has brought to your mind.

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