Why is the Resurrection of Christ So Important?
And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. (1 Corinthians 15:17 KJV)

Christianity is dead without the resurrection of Christ. Although every part of Christ’s work is critical for our salvation, the resurrection stands as the game-changer. The Apostle Paul says it bluntly: if Christ did not rise from the dead, our faith is vain, and we are still in our sins.
The resurrection of Christ gives life to the sufferings and death of Christ. The empty tomb is the crown of victory of the cross. If our revelation of Jesus ends at the cross, our Christian walk will continue to struggle with sin, Satan, and bondages. But when the empty tomb( the resurrection) is revealed, the new life in Christ is manifested in power and glory.
The world finds no problems talking about Jesus dying on the cross as a man who claimed to be the Son of God and was crucified for His beliefs. But whoever mentions the resurrection is confronted with a truth that many would instead not want to talk about. Religious leaders have died for their beliefs, but rising from the dead proves something that the world is not ready to accept—Jesus is indeed the Son of God.
I remember watching one of the classic movies depicting the passion week of Christ. The movie graphically depicted the sufferings and death of Christ. In fact, the entire film centered around the mistreatment of Christ and how the Roman soldiers mercilessly tortured and then nailed Him to the cross. He was then buried, and the movie was essentially over. The resurrection was depicted in about 3 to 5 seconds with a smiling Jesus who is alive. Why didn’t they graphically display the resurrection of Jesus? This innocent gesture is a dangerous portrayal of the Christian message–it removes the supernatural or the divine from Christianity and leaves it with the religious.
The glory of Easter is the resurrection of Christ. It is the vindication of Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. It is the eternal stroke that has abolished Satan and sin. It is the event that has guaranteed your total forgiveness of all sins, new birth, and the glorious gift of being made a child of God.
Take a moment to digest the devotional above!
Celebrate Easter with understanding. Remember and praise Him for His suffering and death on the cross. Christianity is living in the resurrection of Christ!
Thank the Father for the beautiful blessing of raising His Son from the dead.
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