God Spoke to Peter While He Thought on the Vision
While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee (Acts 10:19 KJV)
When the Lord opened the door for the Gentiles to come to the faith, He had to use a vision to tenderize the heart of Peter. He showed him a large sheet from heaven with many unclean animals and asked him to kill and eat. When Peter said “no Lord,” for obvious religious reasons, the Lord told Him not to call “unclean” what He has “cleansed.” While Peter was thinking about the meaning of the vision, the Spirit spoke to him. Peter engaged his mind in the affairs of heaven and the voice of God came to him. That is the power of the mind.
A similar event took place in the life of Joseph. When he got the news that Mary his fiancee was pregnant, he was distraught and thought about it all night. But the scripture says “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream..” (Matt. 1:20 KJV). The Lord met him in the midst of his thoughts.
Our thoughts define our mental focus and attention. When our thoughts are directed to heavenly things, God then has our mental attention. Peter activated the voice of God to give him instructions by directing his mind to the vision he received from God. As you turn your mind towards heavenly things, you will activate the supernatural. If you turn your mind towards your earthly worries, you deactivate the voice of God because your heart will be filled with earthly noise and other voices of worries and fears.
Do you now see why meditation opens up your heart to receive the voice of God?
Set your minds on the things above. Learn to keep your mind on the Word of God. The carnal mind is the mind pre-occupied with earthly things. They may not necessarily be sinful things but can be daily things such as our worldly worries and concerns. As you set aside mental time for God, He will encounter you with a direction in life.
Ask the Lord to teach you how to set your mind on the things above and not on the things below.