What do you see?

“And the word of the LORD came to me saying, ‘What do you see, Jeremiah?’ And I said, ‘I see a rod of an almond tree’” (Jer. 1:11 NAS).

God spoke to Jeremiah and asked him an important question: “What do you see?” There is tremendous power in vision. The human spirit is activated by sight. When God wants to change your life, He starts by showing you a picture. He shows us the picture of Christ in the Word, and once we see Him, the Spirit transforms us to become what we see.

The same is true with our earthly endeavors. What do you see this year? If you see nothing, you will not only get nothing, but will likely get what you do not want. What do you see in your spiritual life? What do you see in your finances? Develop the habit of looking into the future to see where God is taking you. Use the God-given power of your imagination to see the future of that business or family. You will be activated to achieve it if you keep it in sight.


If you were in Jeremiah’s place above, and the Lord asked you what you saw, what would you have said? Have you seen anything in His Word for your life?


Seeing is important. If you have not yet done so, take a moment to think with the Spirit and see where you want to be by the end of the year. When you see it, write it down. You could even put it somewhere you can see it every day. Harness the power of vision in your life today!


Pray with the Psalmist that the Lord will open your eyes to see wonderful things from His Word (Ps. 119:18).

Recommended Read: I only do what I see the Father doing

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