Understanding the Soul and the Spirit 

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7, KJV)

Last week in our Newsletter, I said the word ā€œspiritā€ is the most problematic words in the scripture. Well, the soul is not different. However, I will repeat what I said before that a thorough understanding of these two words is mandatory and critical for us if we ever dream of walking in the blessings of our inheritance in Christ meant for this present earth. 

As I study these two words and read what the fathers have written including biblical scholars, it becomes evident to me that what we need is not more scholarly work to be done. Tremendous amounts of intellectual energy has already been poured out on these subjects. What we need today is not mere an intensification of scholarly work but spiritual understanding from the Holy Spirit. Time and space will not allow me to explain to you the difference, that is, between natural intellectual understanding and spiritual understanding. It suffices to say here for the purpose of this devotional that we have to yearn for the Spirit to impart unto us spiritual understanding to make full spiritual sense of the things we currently know intellectually.  

The Holy Spirit is already at work bringing the Church into the fullness of Truth. It is the truth, the fullness of the accurate knowledge of the Word of God, that will be the foundation for the next thing God is about to do. Desire that the eyes of your understanding might be enlightened for you to understand the mysteries of the spirit and the soul fully.


What is the meaning of ā€œliving soulā€ in the verse above? I want you to undertake a personal Bible study for yourself to discover the meaning of these amazing phrase.


The Lord has constantly been tugging my spirit to study more and more about the spirit and the soul. I have been doing so the past 3- 6 months at least, of course with the time constraints I have! I will encourage you to make up your mind to personally study these two words. Develop the Berean spirit, and learn to dig into the Word yourself. I will be teaching on ā€œwhat is the soul?ā€ this week on our Live Bible Study and it will be a life-changing teaching. You can always watch the recordings on DeshenTV


Ask the Lord to open the eyes of your understanding as you study the Word to understand the spirit and the soul. 

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