Understanding the Holy Spirit

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24, ESV)

Here’s a fascinating truth: we do not need to fully understand the Holy Spirit to be saved, but we do need to know Him to walk more closely with God. In this devotional, I will briefly explain three foundational truths that will help us understand who He is and how we relate to Him: the Trinity, the Holy Spirit as the power and presence of God, and the Holy Spirit as a Person.

First, God is spirit, He has a Spirit, and His Spirit is He Himself. This concise statement captures the essence of how the Trinity helps us understand the Spirit of God. When Jesus said, “God is spirit” in John 4:24 (notice it’s “spirit,” not “a spirit” as in the KJV), He was describing the nature of God, not just referring to the Holy Spirit. So, God is spirit, but He also has a Spirit—the Holy Spirit. Paul clarifies this for us by using human nature as a reflection of the Trinity:

“For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:11, KJV)

Just as humans have a spirit in them(the spirit of man), God is spirit and has a Spirit—His Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God. He is also referred to as the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Jesus (Acts 16:7, Romans 8:9).

This leads us to the second truth: the Holy Spirit is a Person. One of the most foundational shifts in understanding the Holy Spirit, especially in the New Testament and over the past century, has been recognizing that the Holy Spirit is not just a force or power, but a divine Person—God Himself. While the Old Testament often portrays the Holy Spirit as the power of God, the New Testament reveals Him as a Person with feelings (Ephesians 4:30), a voice (Acts 13:2), and a mind (Romans 8:27).

These characteristics make Him not just a power, but a divine Being—a Person we can relate to, just as the disciples related to Jesus. He is God, and we are called to know Him in a personal way.

Lastly, the third truth is the Holy Spirit is the power and the presence of God. This truth builds on the first two. Both the Old and New Testaments closely associate the Spirit of God with His power. However, God’s power is not limited to working miracles. It also sustains His very being. Just as our own spirit is the life force that keeps our body and soul alive, God’s Spirit sustains His existence. The Spirit is not merely a force but is God Himself—He is self-existing through the power of His own being.

Additionally, the Spirit of God is the presence of God. God dwells on earth and in us through His Spirit. For instance, when we receive Christ into our hearts, it is the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, who comes to live within us. We are the Temple of God, and He dwells in us by His Spirit (Ephesians 2:22).

In summary, the Holy Spirit is God Himself, a Person. Unlike the Word made flesh—Jesus—who could be seen, touched, and handled, the Holy Spirit is invisible. Yet, He is with us and in us, working mightily, speaking to us, guiding us, and expressing God’s power and presence in our lives.


What are the three truths discussed above? Restate them in your own words.

Apply the Word

Seek to understand the Holy Spirit more deeply. He is the key to experiencing God’s presence, intimacy with Christ, power, wisdom, and success in life.


Ask the Spirit to reveal Himself to you as you open your heart to know Him fully.

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    1. Praise the Lord Linda! I am seeing this beautiful comment about your expereince there close to 2 months later! Thankful I found it. May His glory continue to overyshaddow you!

    2. After napping on the sofa I woke up to this after 10pm. Great read about the Holy Spirit the One who woke me up just to read this. He is so powerful and loving. I’m in such a prayerful mood now
      His presence is felt from just reading about HIM. KEEP writing and I will keep reading. Thanks
      Linda Casraiss

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