Thy Prayer is Heard

But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John (Luke 1:13, KJV)

Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth had been praying for a child since they got married, and they are were well advanced in age. They had probably forgotten about the prayer point they had prayed about multiple times over the years. Elizabeth was past the age of menopause. They had accepted “their fate” and probably thought all hope was gone. But a heavenly visitor met Zacharia while he was faithfully serving God as he has always done despite his prayer request “not being answered”. This angel messenger had a surprise for Zacharia.

The angel said to him “thy prayer is heard”! A prayer request that had been abandoned long ago received new life as he had a  word from heaven that God had heard his prayer. It means all the while they had repeatedly been praying, probably with moments of sadness, discouragement and even anger, God had already heard their request and planned for the answer to their prayer.

It is a good thing to know that God hears us. If the angel were to appear to you today, he will say the same words that “thy prayer is heard”. Jesus assured us in the Word that He will hear us when we pray. All the promises of God for us in the Word are “yes” and “amen”! Be confident in the Father’s faithfulness.


Is there a prayer request that you have trashed because you have prayed for so long and nothing seems to be changing? 


Jesus told us to continue praying and never to lose heart ( Luke 18:1). You can rest assured that anything we ask Him according to His will, He will hear us. There is no mystery in getting your prayer answered. Trust in God’s faithfulness, and pray according to His will. There are no spiritual gymnastics needed.


Thank the Lord for the assurance of answered prayers in Christ. 

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  1. Amazing, sovereign timing for this message to reach me on this morning. Stay the course in your journey of “Glory and Grace”…. your writings/words bring truth and assurance with divine timing. Thank you! May our sovereign and loving Lord continue His embracing and equipping of you and your family and your ministry.

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