The Power to Change

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20, KJV).

Power to change picture showing a strong black man

We all desire to change certain aspects of our lives but the power to change these circumstances often seems to be far-fetched. There are issues we may be dealing with personally or in our communities that we wish we could change to be the way we want.

If sick people were given options, they would immediately change their health status from sick to healthy. If a poor man had options on the table to choose from, he would immediately choose to change his financial status from poor to rich. Some people are struggling to change habits that are detrimental to them. If governments had pills that would change people’s hearts from hardened criminals to well-behaved and productive citizens, they would empty the jails right away.

These examples highlight the deplorable realities of fallen humanity. We are limited to many things in life. This is where divine enablement comes in. As a believer, you have access to omnipotent and dynamic power at work within you. You can do all things through Christ who infuses this inner strength inside of you. The world does not have access to this power. You do not need to try fancy “X-steps” to achieve this or that. You simply need to learn to activate the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you.


Is there anything the power in you is unable to accomplish? (Mark 9:23). Declare, “There is power at work inside of me to command changes within and outside of me.”


Is there something in your life that is contrary to God’s plan that you wish you could change? Stop wishing and start learning how to activate the power of the Spirit to command change.


Ask the Lord to show you what you need to do to unleash the power in your life that will change any circumstance harassing you.

Recommended Read: Why is Change So Difficult?  

Foundational article: The Daily Devotional: What is it?

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