The Firstborn of Every Creature

Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature (Colossians 1:15, KJV)

The book of Colossians is replete with revelations of the mysteries of the Person of our Lord  Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul says He is the “firstborn of every creature.” What does this mean? Was Jesus created? Is the Lord saying here that Jesus is the firstborn of created beings? Certainly not.

The very next verse says “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible…all things were created by him, and for him” (Colossians 1:16, KJV). He created all things so that completely rules out the thought that He was created. The term firstborn in this context means the pre-eminent One, the Sovereign, and the Originator of all creation! This description perfectly fits God, so it should be no surprise to us. However, the mystery of this verse lies in the addition of the term “creature.”

Jesus, before He became a Man, existed eternally as God, the Word. He was never called the firstborn as God, that is, before the incarnation. He became the firstborn of all Creation when He became a Man. Jesus was not just a Man that was created perfectly and given the fullness of the Spirit. He is God Himself that became a Man. Notice that man, in general, was created in the image of God, but the verse above also tells us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. What is the difference? All of us were created in  God’s image, representing Him in this creation. Jesus, the Man,  is not just a representation of God in  the earth. He is  God Himself as a Man. It is as a Man, still fully God, that He is the firstborn of every creature.  This is the mystery of our Saviour—fully Man, and fully God!


What is the meaning of the term firstborn as used above? How does that differ from our usage of this word in our culture today?


The Lord has come to dwell with us forever permanently! The Saviour is here! He is not just a Superman sent by God to save you. God Himself has come to save us and bring us into Himself. Rejoice always, for it well indeed with us!


Thank the Father for His wonderful love demonstrated by sending Jesus to us. 

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