Starting on a right foundation
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock” (Matt. 7:24 NAS).
None of us will ever plant apples in our gardens and expect to harvest oranges. It sounds so insane, doesn’t it? However, we do this all the time in our spiritual lives without realizing it, because things there are not as visible as physical things are.
Our words and actions have power. They determine where we end up in life. A man who is doing what will ruin his life tomorrow and yet expects a blissful future is planting apples and expecting oranges. There is a foundation for everything: for good health, financial prosperity, spiritual fullness, etc. It is so important for us to set the foundation right from the very start. The foundation for a glorious Christian life is in the DOING of God’s Word, as noted in the scripture above. We should never deceive ourselves by doing what we want, yet expecting the blessing. Set the foundation right from today, and you will be on your way to abundant living.
Why is it important to have a solid foundation as in the scripture above? See the next verse, Matt. 7:25.
There is a crisis of hearers in the Church today. I struggle with it and continue to pray for the Spirit’s help each day. It is the crisis of hearers who do not do what they have heard. There are many who enjoy good preachers, scream and shout them up, but do not DO what the Word says. Sadly, their lives will ultimately show this wrong foundation. Set the right foundation for your life this year. Practice DOING the Word. You can start today. It does not have to be anything huge. Choose not to murmur or grumble about anything today—Philippians 2:14!
Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to any foundation that is causing disappointment in your life.
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