Understanding the Sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. (1 Peter 1:2, KJV)

The blood of Christ represents a victory for every believer. Understanding how to apply His blood is essential to cultivating a victorious Christian life. Today, we will explore the meaning of sprinkling the blood of Jesus Christ as referred to by the Apostle Peter.

Peter’s comments trace back to the ceremonial practices in the Old Testament. Consider the cleansing rituals: the sprinkling of blood or water to purify people and objects (Numbers 19:19, Hebrews 9:13). This act of purification was so significant that even the Tabernacle and its vessels were sanctified through the sprinkling of blood.

But scripture teaches us that these ceremonial practices were a shadow of the real things to come. In the New Testament, we find the fulfillment of these practices. Instead of the blood of animals, Christ’s blood is sprinkled to cleanse people from sin thoroughly. Furthermore, the act of sprinkling is not physical as it was in the OT. Instead, God sprinkles the blood of Jesus upon us when as He forgives and cleanses us from sin when we believe in Jesus. 

When and how does this spiritual sprinkling occur? The first time was the day you became saved, the new birth. Upon accepting Christ, your sins were forgiven, and you were cleansed —a thorough heavenly bath.  You did not feel water or blood sprinkled on you. You did not say, “I sprinkle the blood of Jesus,” nor did you physically sprinkle any water or blood. Instead, you heard God’s Word(the cleansing truth), believed it and the blood was sprinkled powerfully!

Even after our conversion, the blood continues to purify us. We continue to be cleansed as we acknowledge our sins, confess them, and receive forgiveness. So when we stumble in sin, we should not run away from God but run to Him because Christ’s blood is ever present to cleanse and purify us.

The sprinkling of the blood of Christ is our secret weapon against guilt, shame, and self-condemnation. If you want to overcome the enemy—the accuser—know how to apply the blood. (Revelation 12:11).


Try to imagine this: At salvation, God symbolically sprinkled the blood of Jesus on you.

Apply the Word

Are you struggling with shame or guilt from past sins? Are accusations from the enemy tormenting you? Have the cords of your sins held you tied to the past? If so, apply the blood! Know the Truth of the Word about Christ’s work on the cross, believe it, and confess it in your life! 


Ask the Spirit to help you understand the blood of Jesus. 7/26: Understanding the Sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus

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