The Spirit of Your Father Speaketh in You

For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. (Matthew 10:20, KJV)

Has the Holy Spirit ever spoken through you? The answer may surprise you. In Matthew 10:20, Jesus makes an astonishing statement that unveils a profound mystery: the Holy Spirit works through God’s children in ways they may not recognize. I call this the unspectacular prophetic. Let me explain what Jesus meant and its immense implications for you and me.

Jesus had called the twelve disciples and was sending them out to minister. He warned them they would face persecution, even standing before religious councils and secular authorities. But then He told them something remarkable: they shouldn’t worry about what to say in those moments, because the Holy Spirit would give them the words at that very instant.

Now, consider this: how did the Holy Spirit give them words when they stood before kings and leaders? Many imagine they heard God’s voice whispering answers, saw an angel, or received a prophetic vision. But that’s not what Jesus meant.

What actually happened? When Peter and James stood before the council, or when Paul was questioned by governors and kings, do we ever read that the Holy Spirit whispered instructions? No. Instead, they simply knew what to say. As they began speaking, the right words flowed naturally. They didn’t feel a shaking, fall under the anointing, or enter a trance. The Holy Spirit was already at work within them—their thoughts were aligned with the Father’s thoughts, and their words became the words of the Spirit. The Spirit was speaking through them as them!

This is what it means to be under the Spirit’s influence. The Bible often describes this as being full of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit desires to be so united with you—so immersed in your being—that your thoughts, feelings, desires, words, and actions reflect His. It will still be you living, yet not really you, but Him living through you.

  • Be conscious of who you are: You are a child of God, filled with His Spirit.
  • Be conscious of Who is in you: The Spirit of your Father dwells in you.
  • You are prophetic by nature from the moment of your new birth in Christ!


Have you ever been questioned about Jesus and were surprised at how easily the right words came to you? Now you understand what happened!

Apply the Word

The first step in applying this truth is gaining a clear understanding of what I’ve shared. Second, believe it! The Spirit is in you and often works in powerful ways—without dramatic manifestations or our usual Pentecostal expectations. Be aware of His presence and yield to Him daily.


Thank the Father for giving us His Holy Spirit.

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