Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV)

What comes to mind when you hear “doctrines of devils” or “teachings of demons”? Perhaps you think of occultism, blatant Satanism, or practices outside the Church. However, what Paul reveals to his spiritual son, Timothy, is even more alarming.
Let us begin by examining some examples of these teachings. In verse 3, Paul says:
“Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats…” (1 Timothy 4:3, KJV). Some false teachers were advocating against marriage and promoting dietary restrictions. Notice these three crucial truths.
First, these teachings do not appear overtly demonic at first glance. Second, these teachings came from false teachers within the Church, taught from pulpits. Third, these examples are not exhaustive; they merely represent some of the doctrines of demons the early Church faced. Today, the Church encounters many more, especially in these “latter times.”
Understanding what doctrines of devils are, let us now turn to the most troubling truth: demons can engineer false teachings. These teachings may come as sermons, revelations, Church doctrines, books, theological positions, and more. Pause and consider this carefully. Many Christians might never associate demonic influence with teachings or theology. This ignorance is a powerful strategy of Satan—his kingdom thrives in darkness, operating most effectively when hidden.
Now, let’s see what Paul says about these teachings. First, these things will occur in the latter times, which is now—our time. Second, these teachings will lead some to depart from the faith, resulting in apostasy. Today, we witness churches splitting over doctrines regarding sexuality and homosexual marriages, a clear indication of the falling away due to these teachings. Third, Paul explains that these doctrines of devils are driven by seducing spirits—spirits that deliberately deceive and entice people to believe lies. Hell has unleashed these spirits in these latter times, seeking to infiltrate pulpits, seminaries, Church boards, and of course, the world.
The only way to protect yourself and other Christians from these deceitful spirits and demonic doctrines is to be grounded in the truth of God’s Word. The truth of the Word within you is your protection against seducing spirits. I pray that none of you reading this devotional will be enticed to believe a teaching that causes you to depart from the faith. Be rooted and grounded in the Word of God—read and study the Bible as never before, for the days are indeed evil.
Why does the Lord call these false teachings doctrines of demons? Reflect on this question and the insights you gain.
Apply the Word
Let me shock you: you have likely heard doctrines of demons. Remember, they do not come labeled as “doctrines of demons,” but as teachings or theological positions on marriage, foods, sexuality, money, miracles, God, and more. Be careful. Be discerning. Be personally rooted and grounded in the truth of God’s Word.
Ask the Father to help us protect ourselves and other Christians from the teachings of these seducing spirits.
Recommended Read
- What the Spirit is Expressly Saying These Days
- The Activities in the City of Pergamum—Satan’s Capital
- Four Types of Doctrines
- Do not be ignorant of Satan’s devices
- We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood
- View all Deshen Daily Devotionals
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