Have the right perspective in life

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Cor. 4:18)

Life is much more spiritual than many of us realize. There is more than meets the natural eye. In fact, many of the things we see happen naturally before we have a spiritual origin. And the spiritual controls the natural. Trying to fix a spiritual problem naturally is a futile endeavor. That is what man has been trying to do since the Fall.

The mind that is able to see things from the spiritual perspective is the spiritual mind. If you do not have the right spiritual perspective in life, then you will think your enemy is the mean boss or the friend who just hurt you so deeply by an unimaginable betrayal. You will fail to see that we truly do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places (Eph 6:12).

There is a lot that is not seen which governs your finances, health, relationships, job, business etc. Your natural life is simply the stage of what is happening around you spiritually. The scripture above tells us to look at the unseen. Whoever has control of the realm of the spirit around his or her life will have the victory naturally. As believers, God has given us dominion over the realm of the spirit. His Word is given to us to train us in the things which are not seen. When you speak God’s Word on your life, you are actually framing the world of the spirit around you and conditioning your life to become what the word says. Someone who does not have a spiritual perspective will think it is mere foolishness speaking and confessing God’s Word. If you understand the realm of the spirit, you will not keep bitterness and sorrow in your heart, because you understand you will be setting up yourself as a breeding ground for demons to feast and oppress you. Train your mind to see things from the realm of the spirit by God’s Word and you will be on your way to living a victorious life daily.


The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)

How do you see life? What do you see in the events surrounding your finances, relationships, career, friendship, etc? Are you stuck with the natural that you fail to see the spiritual aspect?


Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)

The Word of God is the mirror of the realm of the spirit to us. Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable you to see wonderful things out of the Word. And that your eyes will be open to understanding the things of the spirit.


Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)

Direct your words and actions today based on the realities of the spirit you see in the Word. This is what faith is! See the events in your life today from the perspective of the spirit.

Recommended Read: The Fleshly Mind

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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