The surge in popularity of daily devotional books and articles has been notable, paralleled by a growing demand for quality daily devotionals. Writing a devotional that invites Christians into the throne room for communion with the Father, transforms lives, and leaves a yearning for more is an art. It’s not merely about recording thoughts; it involves intertwining scripture with the fabric of life, shining as a beacon that encourages others to draw nearer to God.

Welcome to “Mastering Devotional Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Impactful Devotionals.” This guide serves seasoned writers looking to enrich their skills and beginners eager to embark on devotional writing. We delve into the essentials of compelling devotional writing, including choosing relevant scriptures, connecting with readers through personal stories, and motivating action through thoughtful application. Embark on this holy voyage with us, crafting devotionals that mirror our deepest revelations and illuminate the path for others.

how to write devotionals showing someone writing

Understanding Devotionals

We define a devotional as “the time we set aside for fellowship with God through prayer and His Word, during which He nourishes, strengthens, and refreshes us.”

The ultimate goal of the devotional we will write is to break down God’s Word, aiding believers in communing or fellowshipping with God and being nourished, strengthened, and refreshed by His presence and power.

Here are essential points to remember each time you craft a daily devotional:

  1. View a devotional as a mini-sermon. In it, we expound or break down God’s Word for readers, enabling them to understand and apply it to their lives.
  2. The divine impact of a devotional is directly related to the amount of God’s Word conveyed. It is the Word that encourages and builds, not our stories, ideas, or thoughts.
  3. For God’s Word to have an impact, it must be understood and appropriately applied. As devotional writers, our role is to assist believers in understanding a passage and demonstrating its application to their lives.

The influence of devotionals on readers can be significant. Having written daily devotionals since 2016, I can testify to their immense effect. A well-crafted devotional, readable in 3 to 5 minutes, can sometimes impact a believer’s life more profoundly than an hour-long sermon.

Carefully crafted narratives that merge scriptural insights with real-life applications provide a path to deeper scripture understanding and application, guiding believers in their relationship with the Lord. They offer respite in our hectic lives, a sacred space for reflection and prayer. For those learning to write a devotional, grasping this transformative potential is crucial. A well-written devotional can uplift the spirit, encourage personal growth, and offer solace in times of need, serving as a potent instrument for connection and transformation.

The Core Elements of a Devotional Piece

Creating a meaningful devotional relies on three foundational elements: Scriptural Foundation (S), Accurate Interpretation (I), and Proper Application (A). Remember these with the acronym S.I.A.

As devotional writers, our task is straightforward: begin with scripture, elucidate its meaning for the believer, potentially using a relatable story, and then demonstrate its application to their life or the challenges they face.


The bedrock of any devotional is its scriptural foundation. It’s worth repeating that impactful devotional writing is not about sharing intriguing facts. It’s an exposition of scripture, breaking down God’s Word with a specific focus on application to problems and challenges people encounter.

  • The first step is selecting the most suitable passage of scripture that addresses your devotional’s topic.
  • For instance, numerous passages exist to write a devotional encouraging people not to worry. Tools such as a topical Bible or AI can assist in finding verses related to anxiety as your foundation.
  • At this point, you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in selecting the anchor passage for the devotional.

Accurate Interpretation:

As some preachers encounter, a common pitfall in devotional writing is selecting a verse and then imparting a message unrelated to the text. This mistake should be avoided.

A proper devotional starts with an accurate interpretation of the chosen scripture. Since devotionals are most impactful when they bring the Word into relatable contexts, using a story, as Jesus often did, to explain the passage’s meaning can have a significant effect. However, a story isn’t mandatory if not applicable.

Nevertheless, a story or analogy that resonates with the Christian’s challenge facilitates understanding.

Proper Application:

After comprehension, the next step is to guide the believer in applying the scripture’s truth to their life. Show them how Philippians 4:6’s instruction to “be anxious for nothing” can be applied in various settings – at home, work, or on the bus to school. This stage is where the devotional truly excels. It brings the Word closer to our daily lives, enabling us to see its relevance.

Elements of Good Writing

Assuming that transitioning from preaching the Word to writing it for Christians would be seamless was a misconception I quickly had to correct.

While good writing shares rhetorical similarities with effective speaking, it possesses distinct qualities.

  • One principle that revolutionized my writing career and ministry, and I hope will impact yours as well, is the recognition that good writing is a learnable skill.
  • For those serious about writing, I encourage you to delve into books on the subject. Below are a few recommendations to start with.

Effective devotional writing relies on clarity, simplicity, and the capacity to create engaging narratives.


These elements are vital for presenting deep spiritual truths in a way that is both accessible and meaningful to readers. In learning how to write a devotional, it’s crucial to distill complex theological ideas into clear and easy-to-understand language.

Such clarity ensures the core message remains intact, making scriptural wisdom available to everyone.


Simplicity in writing should not be mistaken for superficiality but should be seen as a clear articulation of the message, cutting through the clutter of everyday life. It involves capturing the essence of the scripture and delivering it in a manner that directly touches the reader’s heart.

This simplicity keeps the focus sharp and fosters a deeper engagement with the reader. The most effective devotionals resonate widely because they speak to universal experiences, making simplicity a conduit to broader relevance.


Engaging narratives elevate a devotional from being merely good to unforgettable. They invite readers into a space where they can mirror their lives against the biblical teachings being explored.

  • Whether through personal anecdotes, historical instances, or imaginative scenarios, these stories powerfully embody scriptural truths.
  • This element of storytelling often has a profound and lasting impact, rendering the devotional not just educational but deeply transformative.

As you refine your devotional writing, remember the ultimate aim: to lead readers into a more intimate relationship with God. By emphasizing clarity, simplicity, and compelling storytelling, you can craft devotionals that shed light on the path and encourage readers to journey down it with you.

The Four-Step Writing Process for Devotionals: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, and Proofreading

Effective writing, including devotional writing, is a deliberate process. Experts have outlined a four-step method: prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading, augmented by feedback for optimal clarity and impact.

Phase 1: Prewriting

Prewriting involves brainstorming and outlining your thoughts. Start by choosing a scripture and identifying the core message you wish to share. Contemplate the passage and its connection to real-life experiences, either your own or those of others.

This phase may also involve delving into scripture to elucidate any unclear aspects and consulting theological resources such as commentaries or study Bible notes. Additionally, it encompasses considerations regarding the length and format tailored to the platform on which you intend to publish.

My go-to resources for devotional writing are the ESV Bible study notes, and the NET Bible notes for their conciseness and theological precision—in most cases!

Phase 2: Drafting

Drafting is the phase where your ideas begin to form a structured narrative. Write freely, aiming to express your thoughts without the pressure of perfection. Concentrate on adhering to the structure that includes a scriptural foundation, a personal story, and a practical application.

Phase 3: Revising

Revising is the pivotal stage of refinement. Re-evaluate your devotional for clarity and impact, ensuring your message is concise and compelling. Incorporating feedback is crucial at this juncture. Share your draft with trusted individuals for constructive feedback. Query them about the clarity of your message, the integration of scripture, and the practicability of the application.

Phase 4: Proofreading

Proofreading provides the final touches, focusing on correcting grammatical, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. This step is about professionally presenting your devotional, ensuring it is motivational and polished.

An advantageous aspect of contemporary devotional writing is the availability of AI tools like ChatGPT, which can assist at each process stage. Rather than using it to write the devotional for you(as a ghost writer), leverage it as a supportive tool (an assistant) in each phase for significant assistance.

Employing this four-step process, especially with feedback from trusted peers or mentors, guarantees that your devotional is meticulously crafted. Each word is chosen for its potential to resonate and make a significant impact.

Publishing Your Devotional: Sharing Options and Building an Audience

After refining your devotional, the subsequent phase involves disseminating it to impact and uplift others spiritually. Whether your target audience is a select few or a broader spectrum, various platforms can facilitate reaching your desired demographic.

Blogs and Websites: Initiating a personal blog or a dedicated website for your devotional writings grants complete autonomy over presentation and dissemination. You can also publish your devotionals on sites that accept devotionals from guest authors, such as Probers 31 Ministries.

Social Media: Using Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter platforms can significantly amplify your devotional’s visibility. Engaging visuals, strategic use of hashtags, and compelling excerpts can draw attention and foster wider sharing.

Email Newsletters: Cultivating a mailing list allows you to deliver your devotionals directly to subscribers’ inboxes, creating a more intimate connection with your audience.

Print and Digital Publications: Consider submitting your devotionals to established religious magazines, available in print and digital formats. This exposure can connect your writings with individuals already seeking spiritual enrichment.

Community Sharing: The value of local community platforms, including churches, study groups, and community centers, should not be overlooked for sharing your devotionals, whether through printed distributions or live readings.

Audience development is a gradual process that requires dedication and engagement. Interacting with your readers through comments and discussions can provide insights into their interests and needs. Consistently delivering valuable and relevant devotionals will help you cultivate a devoted and engaged readership eager for your spiritual guidance.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Navigating the journey of devotional writing entails facing specific challenges, yet all can be overcome. Two prevalent issues are writer’s block and maintaining theological accuracy.

Overcoming Writer’s Block

A ubiquitous hurdle, writer’s block can impede even seasoned writers. A crucial insight is that the depth of your devotionals mirrors your current spiritual state. A vibrant relationship with God enriches your writings significantly. Therefore, nurturing your spiritual life is the most effective strategy to conquer writer’s block. An ignited spirit within you ensures a continuous flow of ideas. To tackle writer’s block, immerse yourself in Scripture and prayer, enhancing your spiritual vitality in His presence. Drawing inspiration from other devotionals or spiritual literature can also spark new ideas and perspectives.

Ensuring Theological Accuracy

The essence of devotionals is their spiritual guidance, making theological soundness critical. To uphold accuracy, reference various scripture translations and consult respected commentaries. If uncertain, seek feedback from a theologian, a mentor, or a peer well-versed in biblical studies. This practice bolsters your devotional’s authenticity and enriches your grasp of the subject, reinforcing your connection to the divine narrative.


The path to crafting devotionals is enriching, offering a platform to disseminate God’s Word in a manner that edifies, encourages, and inspires fellow believers. It’s a journey transcending mere writing; it’s about melding scriptural truths with life, providing insights and applications that resonate deeply with readers. As you proceed through the stages of prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading, confronting challenges such as writer’s block and ensuring theological accuracy, let the potential impact of your words drive you. Use this guide as a launching point, and let your devotionals serve as sources of inspiration, comfort, and challenge to your readers. Begin your writing journey today—your distinct voice is invaluable and eagerly awaited.

What is a Devotional?

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