A legalistic mindset hinders grace
This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? (Gal. 3:2)
Many believers are unaware of this ferocious foe amongst us called “legalism” (legalistic spirit), or simply relating to God by the law. I had a classic example of a legalistic mindset a few years back after I ministered in a local church on the subject of grace. A sister requested to speak with me after the service. She poured out her frustration and despair in her struggle to overcome a feeling of adequacy before God and trying to do the right things to obtain blessings from God. She was well known for evangelism and dedication to cleaning the local church, which was a manifestation of the works of the law in disguise.
We must escape the hands of this enemy. Whenever we try to obtain God’s favor or blessings by focusing on our ability do what God has commanded, we are walking on dangerous spiritual grounds. Do not fall from grace. The legalistic spirit seeks to earn God’s blessings by trying to measure up to it. It often goes unnoticed because it is so subtle. There are believers who are completely entangled with a legalistic mindset and are unaware of it. The signs are often subtle but real. Â They try to get blessed or favored by “doing things” such as Bible studies, praying, Â giving and tithing or involvement in the local church. They are extremely sensitive to “the rules”.
God wants us to rely on Christ and Christ alone. It is often a difficult thing for us to do. You have what God says He has already given you in Christ. Do not try to obtain that blessing by your good works. Rather, believe and release the blessing through works of grace. The legalistic spirit wants to make us struggle to get what God has already given to us. Keep your eyes on Christ. You are blessed in Christ, so you can safely STOP all attempts in trying to get blessed by doing things by yourself, such as giving! You do not give to MAKE GOD BLESS you. You give to release the blessing and get it to operate! This mindset shift will mean the world to your spiritual life. Do not struggle on your own to become what God says you are, or to get what He says He has already given you. This legalistic mindset will block grace from manifesting in your life. Shift your mindset, from seeing yourself to seeing ” Christ Christ Christ”. He is the reason why you are standing before God, not you.
This teaching article will give you more insight into what Legalism really is.
The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8)
How is your relationship with God-by grace or by works?
Water the Seed (word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)
 Pray earnestly that the Spirit of God will open your eyes to the riches of grace in Christ and for you to see the snares of legalism in your life.
Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)
Act on God’s Word every day, for that is where the blessing operates in our lives! Do not hear and rejoice with revelation. Rather, do His Word! Look for opportunities to put the Word to practice. Rather than struggle to get blessed, God wants you to operate in the blessing and release it by DOING His Word! His Word for you today is..stay away from the legalistic mindset. Therefore, actively search your life and heart, by the power of the Spirit, to see those areas your mindset might have been affected by this spiritual attitude and renew your mind.
Recommended Read: From Faith to Faith; do not fall from Grace
Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?