If you love me
If ye love me, keep my commandments (Jn. 14:15 KJV).
In the verse above, Jesus tells us how we may demonstrate our love for Him. Love undemonstrated is essentially non-existent. As physicians, we all know that “nobody cares about how much you know until they can see how much you care”. Who cares how much love is burning in your heart, if no one sees it demonstrated?
God demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus. God’s son suffered a disgraceful, horrifying death, to save us from sin, and give us the precious gift of eternal life.
Until your love for God is demonstrated, you can consider it dead. It is very easy to declare your love for God, but God wants you to show your love for Him, by keeping His commandments. It is hard to convince God you love Him, while you live your life contrary to His will. You must consistently make choices according to God’s Word, both in the big decisions, and in the little, day-to-day things.
God commanded you to be joyful always. He commanded you to forgive, and to love other people. He commanded to pray, and seek His Word. He commanded you to stay away from sexual impurity. His Word is His Word, whether in big or small things.
Do you love the Lord? Then keep His Word.
What does it mean to keep the Lord’s commandments? Is it possible to love the God that we have not seen, and hate someone that we do see? (1 John 4:20).
Honestly, and critically, evaluate your own behavior, and then answer the question: do you really love the Lord?
Ask the Father to help you love Him, not only in word, but also in deed.
Recommended Read: Do you love the Lord?
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