How to this make this year full of showers of blessings
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years (Genesis 1:14 KJV)

What determines the events of your life here on earth? As children of God, chance, luck, horoscopes, etc. have no place in our daily lives, except we make them count by believing in them. However, believers have a different challenge regarding what happens to us here: what God has prefixed, which they cannot change, and what is dependent on them.
There is no question there are things beyond our control and determined by the Lord. Eg. No matter how great our faith is, we cannot have the spiritual body now! It can only come when Jesus returns. However, there are many things( I mean many..) about our daily lives here on earth which are not determined by God but by us.
Gen. 1:14 is a critical verse I often share at the beginning of the year. It says God created heavenly lights, and those lights determine the times, seasons, and years. The seasons of the earth depends on the heavenly lights. So it is with your life( the earth). The light in you that you walk in determines the seasons or states of your life. Light is Truth, the Word you have known, accepted, and believed, and living by. You can change your life by increasing the light at work in your life.
Please take a moment, reread the devotional above. I have condensed volumes of life-changing Truth in the brief above.
God has given you the capacity to change the events or circumstances of your life. The heavenly light at work in you at any time determines whether you will be in harsh winter, spring, summer, or fall. Walk in the light: know, believe, obey and put to work His Truth.
Ask the Father to help you change the seasons of your life by walking in the light this year.
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