He will render to every man according to his deeds

Who will render to every man according to his deeds (Romans 2:6 KJV)

give to every man according to his works showing a black woman with a trophy

Paul gives us a glimpse of what will happen when Jesus returns. The thought of it alone is enough to make us consider our ways. At the judgment, the Lord will render to every man according to his deeds. This might appear to contradict the core of the Gospel, which is salvation by God’s grace. Grace is grace, and we cannot be rewarded for grace otherwise it is no more grace! ( Rom. 11:6). 

Let me use a very simple example here. Think about this: will God reward us for having a body? The obvious answer is “no”! Yes, having a physical body is such a blessing to enable us to live and function on the earth. It is a gift from God and not a reward because it has nothing to do with what we have or have not done. However, the things we choose to do with our bodies are directly under our control and these are the things God calls our works. The giving of your body as part of God’s creature is God’s works, just as your salvation in Christ. 

Heaven will be a wonderful place to spend eternity with God as  His children, but our rewards there from the Judgement seat of Christ will not be the same. He will give to each of us according to our works.


What is the difference between grace and works as described in the devotional above? If heaven’s rewards will not be the same for those who are there, what about the lake of fire? 


The way you live for God, the words you speak and the things you do as well as the sacrifices you are making for the kingdom of God to advance will all be rewarded. Yes, God wants you to in a way to accumulate treasure or rewards in heaven!


Ask the Spirit to help you live according to His Word and abound in bearing fruit. 

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