Grace Is Really Not Free
“God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5:21 NET).
Grace is not free, at least to the One who gave it. Grace is free to us, but was not free to God. The grace of Christ has completely freed us from sin and all its consequences and brought us into sharing the very nature of God, where we can enjoy all its benefits. We rejoice in the free forgiveness of sins and the gift of righteousness that we have, but they did not come cheap.
There is a reason why God does not pour out judgment for your sins as He did to the Israelites under the law. It is not because we are better in ourselves than they were. There is a reason why you can sit today and talk to demons and see them run away in a demonstration of the power of God that you are using. Grace came at a horrible price to God. For you to be forgiven, He had to become fully identified with you as a sinner, go to the cross, and endure a shameful and horrible death. Grace is not free—to the Giver. We thank God for the Lamb He provided to be a sacrifice for our sins. This is part of the reason why, in the scriptures, that grace is often called “grace that is in Christ,” because it is not cheap kindness but kindness at the price of the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not merely extend kindness to you. It cost Him everything to show us this favor. Be thankful for grace.
What motivated Christ to endure such grief and sorrow for you? See John 3:16.
Besides thanksgiving and praise, there are at least two other things you can do to show your appreciation for grace. First say “thank you” to God by living fully for Him, making full use of grace. Then you should extend that same kindness to those around you. Be a living manifestation of God’s grace in the way you treat others today.
Tell Jesus “thank you” for paying the price for you to be saved.
Recommended Read: Grace is free to you but not to God who gave it
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