Grace is free to you but not to God who gave it
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life (Jn. 3:16 NASB).
Grace is free, at least to its recipients. In His righteousness, God provided for the acceptance of man in his worst state. He did not reject mankind in our sinful, rebellious, and disobedient state, or we would have been lost forever. It is a divine favor that we have not deserved or earned. It was lavished on us free of charge.
John 3:16 above also adds that “He gave.” That puts a horrible price tag on a very precious but free heavenly treasure. Grace is free to us, but was not free to God. Saving mankind from eternal destruction and bringing us into the glory of God was not cheap talk. God couldn’t just command it to happen, because that would have been unjust. The “wages of sin is death”, and He sent His Son to die at the cruel hands of mankind. As we rejoice and enjoy grace, we should always remember the cost by which it was brought to us.
Take a moment to give your mind and mouth to the main scripture above. Think carefully on each phrase, and contemplate how it applies to you. Then say it under your breath again and again, applying it to yourself.
Ask the Father to make you understand the cost of your salvation.
Grace is free to us but cost Christ His life. We remember the cost of grace, not because we should mourn, but so we may appreciate the Lord for what He has done, forever praising and glorifying His name. Take a moment now to praise the Lord for the price He paid on that cross so you could be saved. Be thankful for grace!
Recommended Read: The Scope of Grace
Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?
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