It is Faith and not hypocrisy!
…The just shall live by faith. (Rom. 1:17 )
God has designed your everyday walk with Him to be by faith, including your today. Living by faith may appear as hypocrisy if we are not careful to fully understand who we are, and Whom we are relating to.
God’s Word is a mirror for us to see what we are in the spirit. When the Lord tells you today that you are a new creation, He is giving you a picture of who you are in the spirit. It will in most cases not be what you feel, think or even look like outside. What He wants you to do is to ACT based on what you have seen in the mirror of His Word, and not based on what you feel or think. This action or response you make based on what God has said about you is what is called faith. This is so critical for us to grasp. Faith is not merely believing in God’s Word. It is what you DO based on what you have believed.
This might seem to be hypocrisy, where you act what is “not inside of you”. Your true inside is not your feelings and your thoughts. It is your spirit! As you act on what God has said, it unleashes the power to change your feelings, thoughts and outside to conform to what is in your spirit. This is the lifestyle of the believer in Christ. The just shall live by faith, every minute, every day of the month.
This is the secret of true change and ongoing transformation. You are complete in Christ. There is no good virtue that you are lacking as a new creation. All you need is for it to take a hold of your soul and your body. You can become all that God has said about you if you take a hold of this truth today. For example, if you always feel confused and foolish when faced with important decisions in your finances or your job, all you need to do is see the picture of the word God has given you of yourself, confess and act it out, hold tight to that word until you begin to see God’s wisdom flow through your life every day. The same is true for your healing, deliverance, prosperity, etc. Be a doer of God’s Word. God has ordained, that you shall live by faith, and not by how you feel or look at the outside.
The Word in your mind and mouth (1 Tim 4:15; Josh 1: 8).
Take a moment and let those words roll over our mind over and over. Confess them to yourself. Mutter the Word that you are living by faith today and not by sight.
Water the Seed( word) to grow. Invite the Spirit’s strength! (Isa 32:15; Zach 4:6)
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight into this reality. Pray that the Lord will open your eyes to see wondrous things out of His Word and that your eyes will be spiritually open to see into your spirit to have the right picture of who you are.
Your door to a blessed life today is doing God’s Word. Refuse to be a hearer or reader only! (James 1:22-26)
Do you know that God’s Word says you are blessed when you go out of your house? You may actually be feeling “depressed” right now on your way out. You have a choice. And the outcome of your day will be shaped by your choice. You can either follow what you have seen in the Word or follow what your feelings are telling you. Your life is designed to be by faith. It is not hypocrisy to “disregard” your feelings. Act based on God’s Word and that will release the power required to change the circumstance that is harassing and making you feeling heavy and depressed!
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