Delivered from the Power of Darkness
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son (Colossians 1:13 KJV)

Do you see yourself in this passage where Paul speaks of being delivered from the power of darkness? Often, we might think of demons being cast out. However, this common misconception limits our understanding of our deliverance in Christ—past, and potentially present, and future.
Let’s start by asking: who did Paul mean by “us” when he said God delivered us? He wasn’t referring to people with specific demonic problems or those involved in occult practices. The “us” includes Paul, the Colossians, and every believer. By extension, it includes you and me.
God says we have been delivered because we needed deliverance. The term “delivered” means to be rescued from danger or harm. It implies that something or someone was holding us captive, overpowering us against our will, and causing us suffering. Picture a sheep caught in the jaws of a wolf. Unless something is done quickly, the sheep will be devoured. Now imagine a shepherd rushing in to snatch the sheep from the wolf’s mouth—that’s a picture of deliverance. Jesus rescued us from immediate danger.
With this in mind, let’s consider what held us in bondage. Scripture calls it the “power of darkness” or more accurately the authority of darkness. This doesn’t refer directly to Satan or demons as entities but to a controlling influence or power that they leverage. Paul further explains this power in his ministry mandate from Jesus:
“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” (Acts 26:18, KJV)
Notice how the Lord puts “darkness” parallel to the “power of Satan.” He emphasizes the power Satan exerts, not just Satan himself.
Here’s the part that might surprise many of you: this verse highlights the central issue in our deliverance—sin. There is a power behind sin that influences human nature and lifestyle. Humanity needed deliverance from this power.
This deliverance was the cornerstone of Paul’s ministry. As people heard the Gospel of grace, believed in Jesus, and were set free, they were liberated from sin, eternal death, hell, and the lake of fire.
It doesn’t stop there. The same authority that drives sin also causes disease, anxiety, addictions, fear, poverty, demonic oppression and all the woes that came through sin. That is the power and authority Satan uses to rule the world. Hebrews 2:14 identifies this power as death.
Brothers and sisters, a significant deliverance took place the day we accepted Christ—we were delivered. Like a shepherd pulling a sheep from the mouth of a wolf, Jesus pulled us from the power of death, the realm of Satan, and brought us into His kingdom. This means the authority that drives sin and its consequences has been destroyed. This revelation should stir something inside of you. You have been delivered from the power that drives sin, disease, fear, depression, poverty, and all the ills that came upon humanity because of sin. Your understanding and faith will determine how much of this freedom you experience daily.
Please pause and think through every word of Colossians 1:13 in light of the devotional above. Let this truth sink deep into your heart.
Apply the Word
What will you do with this truth? Like everything in grace, it remains distant until we know it, believe it, and enforce it in our lives. Is the power of Satan operating in any area of your life, whether in sin, addiction, anxiety, or depression? Rise up and enforce your inheritance in Christ.
First, thank the Lord for such a great deliverance, and ask Him to help you enforce this truth in your life.
Recommended Read
- Upon Mount Zion Shall Be Deliverance
- What is deliverance?
- We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood
- How Jesus Changed Spiritual Warfare on Earth and in the Heavens
- Read All Deshen Daily Devotionals
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