Christmas or X-mas? A Systematic Satanic Replacement Agenda

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord (Lk. 2:11 KJV)

The joy that the Christmas season brings is unparalleled, for believers and non-believers alike. But there is a problem. Those who do not believe in Jesus cannot really celebrate Christmas. They can enjoy the festivities of the day but can they celebrate the birth of   Jesus the Savior of the world? The very Name “Jesus”  is offensive enough to the world that it cannot be the focus of such a significant celebration to them. Is there a way out? Yes!  The world has figured out a way out of this dilemma. They do not want to give up the celebration, but they can replace the REASON. They can cross Jesus out of the equation. They can replace “Christ”  with “X”.

The word “Christmas” means “Christ’s mass”. It is focused on Jesus Christ. The word “X-mas” should now be self-explanatory. Christ has been replaced by “X”. We will be incredibly naive to think this shift is incidentally or causal. If Satan cannot eradicate a thing that focuses on God, he will try to give us an appealing replacement that appears very innocent. Counterfeit is in his very nature. You cannot completely control how Christmas is celebrated in the world.  You can control how it is celebrated in your world. We should teach our children before the world indoctrinates them. Christmas is about the birth of  Jesus. I love the song about Rudolph the reindeer with Santa Clause, but Christmas is not about Santa Clause. Isn’t it amazing how Santa has taken the place of Christ in Christmas in many circles? It is part of a systemic replacement agenda. And it is working very well, and it will continue to work until you step in and put order in your world.

We do not celebrate X-mas. We celebrate Christmas.


If Christmas means “Christ’s mass,” what do you think “X-mas” is intended to signify?


Be spiritually sensitive. Do not allow the world to tell you how to celebrate the birth of your Lord. Enjoy the food, but make Christmas Jesus’s birthday indeed and not just some good festive period. 


Praise the LORD for the birth of His Son that has brought us salvation.

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