A Tempestuous Wind, Called Euroclydon
But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon (Acts 27:14 KJV)

Paul got arrested Jerusalem and was being transported to Rome to be tried before the Emperor. However, on his way to Rome in a boat in many others, a strong wind called Euroclydon arose in the sea and put their lives in danger. Think about being in the sea in a ship when there is a hurricane! A few days before, Paul said to the Captain of the boat “Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives (Acts 27:10 KJV). He had perceived by the Spirit that the journey will be dangerous. Since he was not an expert in sailing, no one, of course, paid attention to what he said.
A few days after they took off, everything looked so good that they probably mocked Paul for his contrarian wisdom. But shortly afterward, the scripture above says “ a tempestuous wind, called Eucoclydon” arose in the sea and humbled their years of experience in sailing. It was a death sentence for everyone on the ship. If Paul was not on that ship, everyone there would have drowned in the sea because God saved them miraculously for Paul’s sake.
Whenever we fail to heed the direction of God or live against His Word, we can be sure Euroclydon will meet us somewhere along the way. There is a reason the Lord says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Prov. 3:5 KJV). When He directs, it is to save us from Euroclydon that lies ahead. Play safe. Heed the Word and direction of the Lord.
Is it also possible to face the winds of life even while we are in the perfect will of God? How is this different from the situation in which we chose our own ways and face Euroclydon on the way?
God’s voice will save you from Euroclydon. For example, when God instructs us to flee sexual immorality, it is to save us from the Euroclydons that lie ahead which the pleasures today will blind our eyes from seeing. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Follow His Word and direction always and it will surely be well with your soul.
Ask the Lord to help you not to be the captain of your life and steer your ship to encounter Euroclydons which will cause you pain and grief which were not meant for you in the first place.