Why Demons Love Certain People and Hate Others

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour  (1 Peter 5:8, KJV)

In our Glory & Grace newsletter that went out to all our subscribers today, I used a simple analogy of a sugar ant to illustrate an important spiritual concept. These ants adore boxes of sugar. They hate with passion places with insecticides for obvious reasons! There are places and people that demons like and others that they really hate. One of the most critical truths for every one of us to understand with regards to spiritual warfare is that humans have to open a door for Satan to get into their world. Satan cannot just walk into someone’s life as he pleases. Thank God he cannot, otherwise, the chaos in the world would have been a billion times more. 

Our activities, lifestyles, behaviors, choices, etc can have spiritual consequences, either opening a door to Satan or shutting the door to his face. The scripture above says Satan is seeking whom he may devour. He is looking for that conducive environment or “welcoming person” because not every place is conducive to him and not every person tolerates his activities.

When we do things outside of the Word of God or fail to recognize or respond appropriately to demonic activity, we are giving Satan a buffet table to have a feast. However, when we live in righteousness and know how to recognize demonic activity and respond appropriately, these activities will be kept in check. There are some of you that Satan does not like, and that is a good thing. Each time he shows up in your life, you deal very harshly with him and he does not like to do things where you are! May God help you become like this, a terror to demonic activity and not their living room!


Think for a second on this: can Satan do whatever he wants in the affairs of people?


Stay away from whatever gives Satan access into your life. Sin, especially sexual sin is a HIGHWAY for demons.  Also learn to respond appropriately to demonic activity and you will silent Satan and his demons in your life. Think about Jesus’s temptation in Matthew 4:1-3.


Ask the Lord to help you become established in dealing with demonic activity.

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