Spiritual eyes allow you to see beyond the physical world into the divine, where God’s presence and power shape your life in unseen ways. The meaning of spiritual eyes goes far beyond simple vision; they are a gateway to perceiving spiritual truths and realities. But what are the types of spiritual eyes described in the Bible, and how can they be opened to reveal these hidden dimensions?

In this article, we’ll explore the types of spiritual eyes, their deeper meaning, and how God opens your eyes to see the spiritual truths that surround you. Whether you’re seeking to understand spiritual sight or longing to experience more of God’s presence, this guide will equip you to unlock a new level of spiritual awareness.

Spiritual eyes showing an eye icon

What Are Spiritual Eyes?

Spiritual eyes are the eyes that perceive spiritual realities. To understand this, let’s briefly look at three key concepts: eyes, seeing, and realities.

Seeing is the act of perceiving, and eyes are the organs through which we become aware of what exists around us. Physical eyes detect material things, like the words you’re reading now. Similarly, spiritual eyes allow us to perceive spiritual realities, enabling us to see beyond the natural world.

A powerful example of this is when God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant:

“And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha” (2 Kings 6:17, KJV).

The servant’s physical eyes couldn’t see the angels surrounding them until God supernaturally enabled him to perceive the spiritual reality. In the same way, when God opens your spiritual eyes, fears and anxieties fade as you become aware of His provision and protection.

Spiritual eyes showing a baby closing her eyes
spirit realm man looking through telescope

Spiritual seeing occurs through the eyes of the heart. God grants us spiritual vision—knowledge of spiritual things—through various means such as prophetic visions, dreams, or revelation.

May your spiritual eyes be opened to see the riches of Christ within you!

Understanding the Different Types of Eyes

To fully grasp the concept of spiritual eyes, it’s essential to recognize that there are different types of eyes. Eyes are the organs through which we perceive various realities, and God has designed us with three distinct types: physical, mental, and spiritual.

The first type is the natural eye, the physical eye we all possess. These eyes are located on our heads and enable us to see the material world around us.

The second type is the mental eye, often referred to as the eye of the mind, encompassing intellect and imagination. The mental eye allows us to visualize, conceive ideas, and even project into realms of possibility—both physical and spiritual. This eye operates within our minds and hearts, giving us the ability to see things that are not yet real but can be brought into existence.

The third type is the spiritual eye, which perceives spiritual realities beyond the natural and mental. While physical eyes allow us to experience the material world, the spiritual eye is the organ that enables us to perceive and experience the spiritual realm. The spiritual eye resides within the heart, making it the center of spiritual sight. This is what Paul meant by the “eyes of understanding” in Ephesians 1:18:

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:18, KJV).

Here, Paul explains that the spiritual eye is an aspect of the heart, specifically linked to understanding. It’s through this eye of understanding that we come to grasp divine truths in Scripture.

Subtypes of Spiritual Eyes

The Bible reveals several subtypes of spiritual eyes, and among them, the two most prominent are the eyes of understanding and the prophetic eye. Additionally, there is the eye of faith, which enables believers to know, believe, and perceive spiritual truths, as seen in 2 Corinthians 5:7.

Three types of spiritual eyes image showing an eye ball

We have already discussed the eyes of understanding. But how is understanding an eye? Understanding allows us to perceive and know what exists in the spiritual realm. Remember, seeing in the spirit is equivalent to knowing. When you comprehend spiritual truths, you have “seen” them with the eyes of understanding. This is why growing in the knowledge of Jesus is often equated with seeing Him more clearly. A classic example of the eyes of understanding in action is found in the story of King Hezekiah.

When the King of Assyria attacked Judah, Hezekiah told the people of Jerusalem:

“Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles…” (2 Chronicles 32:7-8, KJV).

Hezekiah echoed the same assurance that Elisha gave to his servant. But how did Hezekiah know that there were more with them than with their enemies? God did not grant him a prophetic vision like Elisha’s servant had. Instead, Hezekiah’s understanding of God’s promises and his faith in the Word allowed him to perceive this spiritual reality. His firm belief became the eye that allowed him to “see” into the spiritual realm and change the course of the battle.

The second subtype is the prophetic eye, which is especially prominent in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. This eye enables individuals to perceive spiritual things as if they were natural, through visions, dreams, or trances (Numbers 12:6). For example, when Elisha prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened, the servant’s spiritual eyes saw the horses and chariots of fire surrounding them (2 Kings 6:17, KJV).

When Elisha told his servant, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them” (2 Kings 6:16, KJV), Elisha himself had likely seen the same spiritual army through a prophetic vision. This prophetic eye allowed both Elisha and his servant to perceive the spiritual forces at work, just as Hezekiah perceived God’s unseen power through his understanding.

These two subtypes of spiritual eyes—understanding and prophetic vision—show us how God enables His people to perceive and interact with the spiritual realities that surround them, whether through knowledge or supernatural revelation.

How God Opens Our Spiritual Eyes

God does indeed open our spiritual eyes, allowing us to perceive hidden spiritual realities. One striking example of this occurs in the Old Testament with Balaam:

“Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way…” (Numbers 22:31, KJV).

God opens our eyes through His two primary means: the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. To have our spiritual eyes opened means that God enables us to experience and become aware of spiritual realities. In Balaam’s case, it was through a vision of an angel after God opened his eyes.

When God gives us His Spirit, He opens our eyes to experience Him. The Spirit works in two key ways to reveal these realities:

  • First, the Holy Spirit grants us understanding—the spiritual insight to know and perceive God (Ephesians 1:18).
  • Second, the Holy Spirit brings the spirit of prophecy, which opens our eyes to see visions, as John did in the book of Revelation, or as Balaam experienced in Numbers 22:31.

The Word of God is the primary instrument the Spirit uses to open our spiritual eyes, particularly the eye of understanding. As Psalm 119:130 reminds us, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple” (KJV). The Word illuminates our understanding and allows us to see God’s truth.

In summary, God opens our spiritual eyes through His Spirit and His Word, with the Spirit using spiritual gifts and the Word to bring us into a deeper awareness of divine realities.

Conclusion: Living with Open Spiritual Eyes

God calls us to live with open spiritual eyes, seeing beyond the physical to experience His presence, power, and provision. Whether through the eyes of understanding or the prophetic eye, He enables us to perceive spiritual realities that bring peace and assurance.

By His Holy Spirit and Word, God opens our eyes to deeper truths, guiding us to walk in faith and victory. The Word illuminates our spiritual sight, helping us navigate life with divine insight.

Ready to unlock your spiritual vision? Download our free book, “Keys to Open Your Eyes,” for practical steps to deepen your spiritual awareness.

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  1. This is so beautiful, God bless you. May one always know the heart of self so they may know the divine heartbeat.

  2. God bless you and strengthen you in the ministry he has called you to complete. Thank you for this lesson.

  3. Haha blessings to you, good information, i enjoy having my spiritual eyes open, it even make me feel connected to the sky and plants and animals, I feel like a mystic, no fear and my believe in God and accepting Christ is higher, I have many spiritual gifts and I’m learning

  4. I really appreciate for I have learnt about spiriual eyes which off course is in our hearts. May the good open my spiriual eyes to exactly see what is to come in future.

    1. Amen, the Lord grant you indeed more and more understanding in this. There are a few articles on “spiritual eyes” under the tag “spiritual eyes” above. Keep checking and more will be added.

    1. Hi Andre, That story of Hagar in Gen. 21:19 is quite interesting. The scripture said there that while in the desert, God opened her eyes to see a well. These eyes were not her natural physical eyes. She was not physically blind, so it was not her physical eyes that God opened. Similarly, it was really not her “spiritual eyes”that God opened. It is what I call the “mental eye” or the eye of the mind. Please read this devotional to see what this means.https://patrickoben.com/three-types-eyes/

      A similar story of this “mental eye” is seen in this classic story:

      “And when the Syrians came down against him, Elisha prayed to the LORD and said, “Please strike this people with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness in accordance with the prayer of Elisha. And Elisha said to them, “This is not the way, and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” And he led them to Samaria. As soon as they entered Samaria, Elisha said, “O LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see.” So the LORD opened their eyes and they saw, and behold, they were in the midst of Samaria.” (2 Kings 6:18–20, ESV)

      These soldiers were not physically blinded. They just did not KNOW where they were though they had known it. They were seeing something but not realizing what they were seeing.

      God did not create that well for Hagar. The scripture does not give more details but it is most likely the well was there and for whatever reason, she did not know it was there. There is not a lot that can be said because the scripture did not give us many details but God simply made her recognize or see a well that was already there. This is her mental eye being opened. It is a powerful eye in us. It is amazing how somethings we have the solution in our hands but we just do not KNOW. God might not give us anything new to solve a problem. He might simply open our eyes to see what we have. He makes us know what the solution is. Blessings

  5. Thank you for this..allowing me to read ..it’s just confirmation …when I was little Jesus came to me ,spoke with me ,told me what was taken place,I was twelve ,He also told me I’d have bright glowing eyes ,which after most of my life I believe is spiritual eyes..but as I got older I started understanding more ..WOW I’m in awe of everything ,I can’t even describe ,but Now I have seen so much,,,I LOVE EVERY BIT OF IT!! I can’t wait sometimes for God to show me ..Oh I’ve others only knew …Praise God!! 🙏🏼❤️ One day I will share ,and working on it!! I am excited …and it’s just me and God !!

    1. Hello Cyprien. Thank you for stopping by! God opens our eyes principally by two ways
      1. By giving us the Holy Spirit.
      Every Christian has the gift of the Holy Spirit and therefore can know God because their eyes are open.
      God then gives Gifts of the Spirit such as prophecy to enable some believes to see even more prophetic dreams and visions.

      2. By opening our eyes by His Word.
      God’s Word in your heart by itself will open your eyes

      The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. (Ps. 119:130 KJV)

      Please read this devotional and similar devotionals

      Also watch this bible study to show you how God opens our eyes



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