The mystery of Christ

How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) (Ephesians 3:3–4, KJV)

God revealed to the apostle Paul the mystery of His plans, which He had kept secret since the foundations of the world. In fact, not even the angels in heaven knew what God was planning to do at the end of the age. This secret divine plan is the mystery of the Gospel.

First, the word “mystery” in NT usage is not something that is hidden and mysterious. It is God’s plan, which was hidden from prior generations and is now being revealed. So God wants the mystery to be known. It was given to Paul by Revelation, and he  shared it with the Ephesians by his letters. What was this mystery?

In verse 10 of the same chapter, Paul tells us that this mystery is multifaceted, meaning it has many parts. One of the parts is the fact that Gentiles were going to be heir of the same promise God made to the Jewish fathers. However, the mystery which is the mother of all these different facets of the mystery, is not just a secret plan but Christ Himself. He is the embodiment of the eternal plan and purpose of God for the ages to come.

In Christ, God has fulfilled His desire to live amongst men and to bring humanity into Himself. Paul had one message. That message was Christ.  As a believer, nothing, I repeat, nothing will transform your life as a revelation of Jesus Christ. He appeared to some people in person, but you do not need Him to appear to you in some dream or vision. He wants you to see Him in the Word. If only preachers and teachers across the world will leave stories,  sweet speeches, entertaining talks, and move to preach Christ on our pulpits, what a glorious Church will result!


Have you had a personal revelation of Christ? I do not necessarily mean seeing a vision of Him in a dream or some prophetic vision. If you have, that is still wonderful. My question is: has the Spirit revealed the mystery of the Son of God to you in the Word?


Crave the revelation of Christ. Cry out to the Spirit to open the eyes of your understanding that you may see the unsearchable riches of Christ.


Pray and ask the Spirit to put a hunger in your spirit for a revelation of the mystery of the Person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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