The Lamb of God

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together (Genesis 22:8, KJV)

Lamb of God showing two lambs

Jesus is called the Lamb of God in scripture. Interestingly, the Lord uses a Lamb, an animal, to describe Himself, just as the figure of a Lion. When figurative language is used in this way, the intent is to describe for us spiritual qualities about God using natural things that we know and can easily relate to. The question then is to find out the lamb’s qualities that the Lord is using to explain Himself to us.

The first is given in Gen. 22:8 above. The lamb is used for sacrifice to God. Jesus’ life was offered as a burnt and sin offering to the Father so that we can be saved. He laid down His life so that we can have life. But that is not all about the lamb figure. In Isaiah 53:4, Isaiah tells us that just as the lamb is silent before the shearers, so Jesus appeared vulnerable, defenseless and powerless before those who tried Him unfairly, sentenced Him to death and carried out His execution. 

It is one thing do die powerlessly if you do not have the power and quite a challenge to accept to die without resistance when the power that created the universe is at your command. If Jesus opened His mouth to use His power, we would not have been saved. All glory to the Lamb of God!


What are the two characteristics of a lamb mentioned above that are pertinent for describing the Lord as our Savior?


Christ’s death should always be in your mind as a symbol of His eternal love. He died as a Lamb, so that you can live like a lion! Remember His sacrifice, and give Him all the praise, glory, and honor!


Why don’t you tell the Lord right now how much you love Him and appreciate Him for His sacrifice? 

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