How to respond to the Word of God to flow in the supernatural
While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation (Hebrews 3:15, KJV)

Responding to God’s Word is a pivotal element of how God deals with us. It is a crucial element that determines what happens to us. God is sovereign, and forever will be. However, there are many things in our lives that are not dependent on Him but on us. Let me conclude our mini-series by teaching on how we can properly respond when God speaks to us.
Heb. 3:15 above says when we hear His voice, that is, when God speaks to us, we should not harden our hearts. It means someone can hear God’s Word and harden their hearts against it. The context of Hebrews chapters 3 and 4 above showed us how the Israelites hardened their hearts against God through disobedience and unbelief. How should we respond when God speaks to us?
When God’s Word comes to us, we must first receive it. When He speaks to us, contrary to the case of the fig tree or the wind, we first have to understand what He is saying. Understanding is the crucial first step in receiving the Word. The second part of receiving is believing the word, that is, accepting it as true. Once we receive the Word, we can then further respond to it.
The crucial element for correctly responding to the Word is surrender, that is, allowing what we have heard or received to control our lives. This is where our authority as human beings comes in. God would not bypass our authority to make us say or do things we do not want to. He can make us willing, but He will not force us against our will. When we obey, follow or do what God has spoken to us, we are responding to His words and releasing our human authority, giving His Word the full human consent on the earth to operate in our lives.
Faith is a word that summarizes the correct human response to the Word of God, which is first understanding and believing the Word and then allowing it to show up in our words and actions.
What does God expect when He speaks to us from your understanding of the devotional above?
Jesus told the wind “be still,” and it responding immediately and was still (Mark 4:39). God has spoken to you also and said: “be still” ( Psalms 46:10). The same command, but the results will be different. Some believers will be still, while others will continue to fear and worry. God is saying to you today, amid the chaos of coronavirus, “be still”. He has also told us “be filled”, “be healed”, “be strong”, “rejoice” etc. It is now your turn. Put this devotional mini-series to work. Respond to the Word!
Ask the Lord to help you to never harden your against Him, whether in not understanding the Word, disobeying His clear commands or not believing it.
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Yes very true..blessed