God is not a man, that He should lie
God is not a man, that he should lie; Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Numbers 23:19, KJV)

When God speaks and makes a promise, those words are more certain than the assurance we have that the earth will be there tomorrow. Even what you have now will pass away, but His words will never pass away. Balaam reveals to us an intriguing characteristic of our Father. He is not a man that He should lie.
As human beings, there are many reasons why we fail to keep our promises. We are quick to make promises or say things we will do but often do not follow through. Some people promise and even forget what they promised. Others promise and they did not also mean what they said and so do not follow through. Still others promise and were very sincere but when the time to fulfill the promise, they lack the resources or the power to carry through. Sadly, some others make superb promises and have all the power to fulfill them but when the time comes, they are no more. They died. This is the frailty of humanity. We have come to accept the fact that you should not take people at their words. Sadly enough, we project this perception of ourselves to God. We think He is like us.
Well, the prophet reminds us that God is not a man. He does not share in the frailty that governs our humanity. His divine nature is pure, dependable, reliable, and truth worthy beyond what our human minds can ever imagine. When He speaks, the words from His mouth you have are as good as the thing in your hands, and even better.
I know some of you have promises from God you are hanging on. Some have abandoned the promises they had from God because everything happening in their lives right now is the contrary and it seems time is running out. Do you know that even in these days where fear is ravaging the inhabitants of the world, He has a promise for you. He said: “For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence” (Psalm 91:3, ESV)
Maybe it is a word you are hanging on regarding your marriage, finances, health, family, ministry, career, etc. Remember, the Lord is reminding you today that He is not a man to lie to you. That man or woman, uncle or aunt, friend, bother, sister, etc might have disappointed and failed you miserably. The Lord says He is not like them. He is the Lord, faithful, and trustworthy always. Trust and stand fast on His word and everything else will pass away, including that problem except that Word with you hanging onto it!
Please read the main scripture above again and think over it. What is the one failure that comes to your mind right now that is a big discouragement in your life? Are you hesitating to trust God again because of a failure or disappointment that scarred your heart? Be sincere and have a frank conversation with the Father.
His Word to you regarding your protection, health, fullness of His Spirit, ministry, family, finances, etc still stands sure. He does not forget. He does not run out of resources. He will not die before the day of fulfillment. He is not a man to lie, so hang on to the Word!
Ask the Spirit to remove everything in you that has caused you to lose confidence in God and become shaky in your stand of faith and trust in Him.