Eligible Candidates for Grace

Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth  (John 9:41, KJV)

Who are the perfect candidates for grace? John 9 above records an interesting conversation between Jesus and the Pharisees that will help us see those who benefit from God’s grace. Jesus had told them that He came into the world so that those who are blind can see, and those  who see will be made blind. The Pharisees, who were confident that they were not blind, immediately objected to Jesus’s statement and asked Him if they were blind also. Jesus responded with the pointed statement above and said:

“ If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, we see; therefore you’re sin remaineth”.

The Pharisees did not realize they were blind and their perception of their need cut them off from God’s grace. They knew they were righteous and were in the light. They disqualified themselves from grace. You see, God’s grace is for those who do not have it together. Jesus said, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32, KJV). The same is true not only at salvation but after we are saved and living the Christian life. Those who experience God the most are those who see their need for Him. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. It is critical we understand that our attitude of absolute dependence upon God and not counting on our strength and abilities is  crucial for the flow of grace. Grace came for sinners, the weak, the broken, disenfranchised, plagued with errors, etc. However, after grace touches these folks, they are no longer in the same place they used to be! Grace takes us from ashes to beauty! 


What is your perception of yourself? —as the Pharisees who did not need God or as the poor in spirit who recognize their dire need for Him?


The poor in spirit will inherit the kingdom! This is the summary of the devotional above. Take your eyes off yourself and put them on Jesus. You will be glad you did especially when Satan brings your weaknesses and failures to your face to break you down! There is no weakness, failure, sin, etc, that  grace cannot handle. The secret is to keep our eyes fixed on Him and not stay in whatever mess we might have put ourselves into.


Thank the Lord for the blessing of His grace  

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