Do not be distracted from Christ

That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ (Colossians 2:2 ESV)

troubled but not distressed showing a man watching the waves of the sea

Christianity is currently charged with things from the Spirit, others from human minds, and still others from evil spirits. We are in a marathon. Do not be distracted from the race God has called you to run. As I mentioned before, Satan’s most outstanding trophy  in the Church is the pulpit, doctrine, teachings, preachings, etc. He wants to corrupt the Truth. The Church stands on Truth and collapses when Truth is corrupted.

The same is true about your life personally. Do not get yourself carried away with distracting teachings or messages. Your daily Christian life is the product of the knowledge of God you have, or the knowledge you assume is of God. Christ is the centrality of our relationship with God, and He is indeed the mystery of the Gospel as seen in Colossians 2:2 above. 

Learn to maintain your focus on Christ– Who He is and what He did. Let His love be in your mind always. I mean, you should learn to think about the cross, His love for you, His blood that was shed for you, the mysteries of Christ living in you,etc. Empty human knowledge or teachings will not produce the results of the life of Christ in you. Beware and keep your eyes on Christ.


Why does Colossians 2:2 above say Christ is God’s mystery? What does the knowledge of the mystery of God, therefore imply? 


Keep your eyes on Jesus. Let your attention, focus and trust be on Him. Furthermore, let the knowledge of Christ fill your heart. As I have taught before, knowing is seeing in the  spirit realm. You see and keep your eyes on Christ by knowing Him more and more. Therefore, keep your eyes on Jesus and do not be distracted by what is going on around us in Church and in the world.


Ask the Father to help you avoid distractions and keep your eyes on Christ. 

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