David’s Entourage

These also are the chief of the mighty men whom David had, who strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom, and with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the LORD concerning Israel (1 Chr. 11:10 KJV).

David's mighty men showing a picture of five people in a group

King David did not lose any battles in his life. His secret was not in his extraordinary military abilities or the skill of his men of war. His secret was God. However, God achieved His purpose in establishing David as king by sending mighty men of war to be part of his army. 

Besides the men of war, David had a Prophet who spoke the Word of God to him, a counselor endowed with divine wisdom, men of praise and worship as well as a godly high priest. God was David’s secret, but He surrounded David with the right people.  The Lord knows the power of influence from those we surround ourselves with.

God does not deal with anyone of us as an island. His eternal purpose is not to relate to us individually but as a family. God pays attention to those who are around you. For example, the Spirit of God chooses which Church you worship in and who should be your pastor! He will cause you to encounter people that He will work through to touch your life, guide you and strengthen you for His purposes in ways you can hardly ever achieve alone. However, in all of these, we should never make the mistake of looking up to these people but to the God who uses them.


Was it God who brought these mighty men to David or did they come by themselves? ( Chron. 12:17-18). 


God pays attention to the people you surround yourself with. You should, too! We will be deceiving ourselves to think it does not matter. Seek God’s guidance on the people in your life, be it the Church you attend or business partners and certainly a life partner if you are single! 


Ask the Lord to bring the right people into your life in any sphere of life and protect you from negative influences. 

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