Created in Christ Jesus

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (Eph. 2:10 KJV). 

Created in Christ showing a sign with two directions for the old and new life

We have been created in Christ Jesus unto good works. These are very profound words. When God says we have been created, He means we have been created! The word “created” first appeared in the book of Genesis when God created man. He uses the same word to describe what happens to a sinner when they believe in Christ. They are created anew or recreated. It means God repeats what He did in Genesis, except in a higher state of glory!

Please do notice what God did not say. He did not just say the sinner gets forgiven. The sinner is not repaired. The old life is not taken to some spiritual hospital to treat the disease called sin. The old man died in Christ, and a new man was created. The scripture says if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Praise the Lord for an opportunity for every man or woman to reset the story of their lives. When you meet Christ, He resets your life, crucifies the old you and creates a new you. 

Your human spirit has been recreated. However, it is not the spirit that lives directly on the earth. It is the soul. This is why you might still see the old you live daily. However, if you will renew your soul with the Word of God, this truth will move from doctrine to present day reality in you.


What is the difference between being forgiven as a sinner and being recreated? Was there forgiveness in the Old Testament? Did God recreate anyone in the Old Testament? Declare that “I am a new creation in Christ. The Old is gone, and the new has come.


This truth should sink deep into your spirit. If it does not mean anything to you, do not stop! Meditate on it, mutter it, pray for God to open your understanding, etc. 


Ask the LORD to open your understanding to the fullness of this revelation in your life. 

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