Meditate on the Word-God’s “conditioner”

“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. (Jos. 1:8 NAS)

Meditate on the Word daily and see what becomes of your life. Did you notice the two words “so that” in the verse above? The scripture above basically says if you constantly meditate on the Word of God, it will make you do what it says and in so doing cause you to be prosperous. Therefore as a child of God, I do not need to struggle to “obey” what God says. If I get the Word inside me, the Word will make me do what it says. His  Word conditions me, so that my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are aligned with all-around success.

God’s ways have never been popular with men. Meditating on the Word may sound archaic and very unappealing to you. But it is one of the single attitudes that have the potential of transforming your entire life beyond any other thing you can ever do.  You are not yet on a sure foundation for favor, blessings, and success that will stand the test of time until God’s Word has an unshakeable place in your life. Let His Word fill your heart and dwell in you richly, and you will begin to see God show up inside and outside you in amazing ways. God and His Word are one. In all your getting, get wisdom. This is wisdom- pay attention to God’s Word in your life today.


Meditation is ” eating spiritually”, just as you eat physical food. It is taking the Word into your “belly”- the heart. It starts with reading or hearing. Then you give your mind to ponder upon the Word and give the Spirit time to teach you what God is saying. Then you mutter it, again and again.


It is great wisdom in itself to desire God’s Word. Pray and ask the Father to put a desire in your heart for His Word. If you desire it, you will create time for it. We all make time for what we love-we know how to do it.


Reading this devotional is already a step in acting on God’s Word! Make it a habit to take God’s Word into your heart daily. Meditation has a positive feedback effect. As you do it, you start discovering the pleasures and joy in His Word and you want to do it more and more. Feed this positive feedback effect in your life to start the roller coaster! One thing is needed for each day-His Word. It is God’s wisdom and power to guide you and make you an all-around success every day including today.

Recommended Read: Obedience to God is Your Very Life

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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