Death And Life Are in The Power of the Tongue

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.  (Proverbs 18:21 KJV)

Have you considered the power of the tongue? The strength it holds to either bless or harm? Let’s explore this potent verse, unearthing its profound implications for our everyday lives.

The scripture reveals a powerful truth: our words can bring about changes, for better or worse, in our lives and those around us.

Firstly, this verse’s references to life and death can be seen as literal and metaphorical. For instance, our words can lead to metaphorical death—inducing pain, conflict, or trouble. On the other hand, our words can also create ‘life’—fostering peace, love, and understanding (Proverbs 12:13). But let’s consider a more literal interpretation: received eternal life by confessing without our mouths (Romans 10:9). So, our words harness an innate power, with substantial impacts in both the physical and spiritual realms.

Secondly, the effects of spoken words aren’t limited to the speaker alone. The ripple effect of our words extends to the listeners and even the wider environment. Consider Proverbs 11:9: the godless destroy their neighbors with their words. Have you ever felt that sharp sting, a crushing blow to your spirit, as if a sword had pierced your heart when harsh words were spoken to you?

Thirdly, we must realize that our words carry weight in varying contexts—casual conversation, faith declarations, or even what we say about ourselves. God emphasizes the gravity of our words when He commands us not to use coarse language or vulgar jokes (Ephesians 5:4).

Remember, each time you utter a word, you wield power to build or destroy. Make a conscious choice to speak words that build, encourage, strengthen, and spread grace.


Reflect on Proverbs 18:21 today. How does its truth apply in your life?

Apply the Word 

Be mindful of your words, whether spoken to yourself or others. Your words have far-reaching consequences in both the natural and spiritual realms.


Ask the Spirit for the grace to control the tongue.

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